
Well Known Member
A picture is worth what? ;)


Is the pigtail wire off the shield to common ground necessary? I've heard both ways...:confused:
A picture is worth what? ;)

Is the pigtail wire off the shield to common ground necessary? I've heard both ways...:confused:

Remove the wire from the switch to FW ground block. Grounding all happens at the mag.

That'll do it. Just remember that the mag will be hot with the switch open. Close the switch to "kill" the mag.
Yep! Thanks Mel...I have the switch mounted upside-down.

Chad, that's exactly how I did it. No pig tail and switch mounted upside down. No problems at all on this end.

You are moving right along, stay at it....it's worth it!!

There were some back and forth here a while back with people that do not endorse grounding the shield at the mag. (More prone to loosing a connection out there)

Either way will work, which is better? Iduno? :confused:

I plan to ground at the mag with a good pigtail from my P-lead shield. After all thats what mag checks are for right????
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The preferred method is to use the shield to ground at the mag. Otherwise you are just adding fail points to the system.
I think the discussion...


There were some back and forth here a while back with people that do not endorse grounding the shield at the mag. (More prone to loosing a connection out there)

...was about the extra grounding to the airframe at the switch vs. shorting the P-lead terminal to the shield.

The Slick mags. have a specific terminal labeled GND, it should be used....:)
Not exactly,

The argument then was to not use the P-lead and its shield as the way to ground the mag. Simple P-lead to one side of the switch and ground/shield on the other side of the switch with the mag side of the shield connected to the ground terminal of the mag. Like the second of Chad's dwgs above.

The argument was to use the ground terminal at the mag for just a shield ground for noise control. The other end of the shield would be connected to nothing. P-lead still connected to the one side of the switch. The other side of the switch would then be grounded to a good ground inside the cockpit using robust wire instead of a shield.

Doing it this way takes the burden of grounding the mag out off of the shield.

Either way works, which is better most likely depends on how good a job someone does with the terminations.
I think there were two threads....

...that were very similar and close in dates....:D



The original poster should read both carefully and select an option.

The two threads caused confusion to both our responses....:)

You are definitely correct about good terminations, and one of the above threads discusses that in detail.

Not exactly,

The argument then was to not use the P-lead and its shield as the way to ground the mag. Simple P-lead to one side of the switch and ground/shield on the other side of the switch with the mag side of the shield connected to the ground terminal of the mag. Like the second of Chad's dwgs above.

The argument was to use the ground terminal at the mag for just a shield ground for noise control. The other end of the shield would be connected to nothing. P-lead still connected to the one side of the switch. The other side of the switch would then be grounded to a good ground inside the cockpit using robust wire instead of a shield.

Doing it this way takes the burden of grounding the mag out off of the shield.

Either way works, which is better most likely depends on how good a job someone does with the terminations.