
Well Known Member
Well I started my first conditional inspection and have finished with engine, maybe.
When checking the mag timing it was at 26.25 degrees instead of 25 degrees. Is this close enough?
I have one mag on the left and a lightspeed EI on the right.
Will the 1.25 degree shift effect anything and if so what?

Am I correct in assuming that the mag goes to 25 degrees after starting and stays there, while the Lightspeed has variable timing? Wouldn't this mean that the Lightspeed is retarded (relative to the mag) at low rpm and advanced beyond it at high revs? So, once the Lightspeed goes beyond 25 degrees, we're mostly running on it, and only using the mag to burn off whatever's left.
If the book says 25, then set the mag at 25 and move on. That's why you check it. By the way, make sure you set the lightspeed to proper spec's also.
We push up to 27? without a problem if you are running a metal prop and not high compression.
My setup.

Lightspeed spec (if I remember right as I am at work now) is 21 degrees without the manifold pressure is is 40 degrees.

I have an IO-320 that is 160 hp. Don't know the compression for this setup. :confused:

Speaking of checking the lightspeed. I have the sensors that are mounted behind the flywheel. The manual said to use a timing light to check the timing. Not sure where I could position myself with the timing light and be safe and still shine and see the flywheel. Could anyone that has this setup please advise me as to how they do it. I am sure when the engine was setup by AeroSport that Bart check all this before shipping me the engine.

It look like if the EI timing is off I would need to remove the prop and flywheel to adjust the timing. :eek:

Take a small piece of wire put a loop in one side, take the nut off the most forward case half bolt on the top front of the motor right in front of the baffling, put the loop over the end and put the nut back on and tighten down. Now put the #1 cylinder on TDC in alignment with the punch mark on the starter. Now take your wire and bend and cut it so that it almost touches the back of the flywheel and is pointing at the TDC line now take a paint pen and high light the end of the pointer and the timing marks you want to check it at on the back of the flywheel. Take your inductive timing light and put it around #1 sparkplug wire. Tie the back of your plane to something and put a pilot in the plane, put on your safety glasses to stop your eyes from watering, start plane stand on something sturdy keep wires off exhaust and good luck.
Steve Raddatz