
Well Known Member
I am hopping one of you engine gurus can tell me what I have and if my mags are rite for my engine. I bought a 0 time SMO- IO 360 A1A that came with rebuilt mags but I cant find them in the Lycoming parts manual with the part number or model number. the first mag is a Bendix S4LN-200 part number 10-163045-2, number two is a Bendix S4LN-204 part number 163045-3. nether one has a impulse coupling so I am assuming I will need the shower of sparks, is this correct and if so were do you get one I cant find any thing on shower of sparks on the INTERNET. can the Slick Start be used with these mags? the mags come off the engine. Thanks for any help.
I think those are TCM shower of sparks mags. If so,Slick start will work as the vibrator or you can purchase the TCM vibrator from any TCM distributor.
Good Luck,
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Talked with Cliff at Aircraft Magneto Service for about twenty minutes and he got me straitened out. I have to check but the mags should work fine. Thanks for the help.
Just pulled a 200/204 combo off the 200HP -8 in favor of Pmags... No vibrator to be found, worked fine (well, for mags anyway ;) ).