Well Known Member
Reinstalling my engine and I go to hook up the mags and I noticed on one the isolation washer (sorry I do not the exact name of it) was missing. Checked the hanger floor and did not find it. I have no idea when or where it fell off. So the question is, can that part be purchased and where? I checked the ACS catalog and the only thing I found that seemed close was "NAS549-10 PHENOLIC WASHERS". The ID seems like it might be a tad large.

Before I run down to ACS to get a couple, any suggestions?
Check around at local FBOs, see if they have an old mag you could scavenge from?

I helped a friend diagnose an engine that wouldn't start, tried everything except to check the obvious - the washers. He eventually sent the mags out for rebuild & later when installing them again, he saw the washers on the shelf...

Must be real nice to live so close to an ACS store!
it is convenient

Yea the plane is at CCB about a 20 to 30 minute drive to ACS, not bad :)

Not a bad idea to check around the patch to see if anyone has old mags.