
Well Known Member
Mag hole covers leaking oil?

Several of us have had some difficulties getting the aluminum covers supplied by Lightspeed to seal properly against nuisance oil leaks. They do not seal using standard magneto gaskets, unless one goops them up with a gasket sealer. This solution might be the best:


I simply machined a groove in the face for a #152 Oring.
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I've installed three of Klaus's mag covers with a bit of Halomar sealant and never had one leak. The install manual specifically states not to use a gasket.
No surprise that some seal fine, that is the nature of distributions - some will, some won't. The fact that most don't leak is not proof that none will leak.

I and another here first followed Klaus' instructions, no gasket, just the sealer. Both of us had leaks after a few months (this was in about 2006). I then redid them, again per the instructions. Third time used a gasket, also with sealant. No problems any more. But, my engine was overhauled last summer, and gaskets were put in, with sealant. Again, leaks, albeit small (a few drops from time to time).

Additionally, I wanted to be able to easily inspect gears through the holes, since it was the crankshaft gear that was disintegrating in my engine...
Seems to me that those mag hole covers are too thin, if they were thicker one could easily use a normal gasket without worrying about warping when the hold downs are tightened.