
Well Known Member
My wife and I are half-heartedly looking at moving to Madison, but don't know much about the area. Anybody live in Madison who could tell me what it's like? Are there many GA airports around? Roberta gave me an idea of what typical Wisconsin weather is like for flying, but I'm curious about the lifestyle of Madison and the surrounding area.
Living in Madison, WI

IMHO the only real negative about living in Wisconsin is relatively high taxes. Some may consider the Winter season to be a negative, but it?s all in how you approach it. Seasonal variety can be looked at as a positive. And, if you buy a Tim Allen Home Improvement size snowblower and embrace some Winter sports, that season can also be a positive experience.

The common reaction of business managers to receiving a notice that they are being moved to Wisconsin is initially ?Oh No!?. However, after a year or so of living here, when told they are once more being moved elsewhere, the reaction is once again ?Oh No! ? we love it here!?

Our high taxes pay for wonderful schools and excellent public services. The quality of life really is outstanding ? and Madison is arguably the best of the best in our state. It is a clean, beautiful city and the main campus of the state university system adds immeasurably to the culture enjoyed by Madison residents. Four season recreational opportunities are unlimited and close at hand, and the cost of living is moderate. There is little that a person could want that is not available primarily in Madison itself or for sure in nearby Milwaukee, Chicago or Minneapolis

There are many active GA airports close to Madison and lots of scenic airports to explore within the state and in nearby Minnesota and the upper peninsula of Michigan. You will hardly get your oil warm flying between Madison and Oshkosh. Madison is located in Class C airspace, but the controllers are first rate, friendly and helpful for those moving to and from KMSN and other airports within their airspace Lots of RV people too. Roberta Hegy and Jeff Point both in East Troy are just two of our accomplished builders.

It is a myth, perpetuated by those living there, that the coasts are the only places to live. Little do they know ? until they experience alternatives to the negatives of living in those locales. If you do decide to move here, be selective about who you share your enthusiasm for your newly discovered paradise with ? we always welcome good folks, but want to keep the riff raff out.
live and work in madison

I live in waunakee, unfortunately not on the airpark, and work in madison. Drop me a line if you need more then already posted. tneidinger no spam at gmail no spam com
Appleton, WI

I work and live in Appleton, WI and my aircraft is based in Oshkosh (about 20 minutes away). I have to agree with the above: Wisconsin is a wonderful place to live. I have flown into MSN many times. Wisconsin Aviation is a great FBO. I often fly in and go cruising around town in one of their courtesy cars.

There are a lot of fun small airports to go to in this state too. I know one where you can land right on the golf course and tee off. Or another where you can land right next to excellent camping and fishing.

Yesterday I took a short hop to Green Bay and when I got back to OSH I flew the pattern with a B-17 (aluminum overcast).

Oh and yes, we fly year round here. You can't beat the cold weather performance :D
Will Womack said:
There are a lot of fun small airports to go to in this state too. I know one where you can land right on the golf course and tee off. D

Anybody know of a source for Kevlar canopy covers? :p

I grew up in St. Paul and during my teen years, my family owned several different cabins in Wisconsin at various times (they'd sell one and then buy another).
All of these cabins were mostly within about 45 miles of Hayward, Wis. It's hard to find a prettier area than that. The only problem is, you can't drive for more than 5 minutes before you run right into a lake. :D

Now that we're getting closer to retirement, my wife and I are seriously considering becoming Snowbirds and buying some property to build on in the St. Croix area just over the border from MN.
Miserable winter weather aside, late Spring, Summer and Fall in that area is living at it's best.
Not knowing how the area has been developing, I don't have a good feel for airpark propertys available, but it sure would be nice to do that.

If you want to prepare yourself for how midwesterners approach things (including the accent that some here in TX say I still haven't lost), watch the movie "Fargo". I laughed all the way through while no one else here in TX "got it".
I grew up in Madison, and currently live in Milwaukee. Madison is a great city, and consistantly ranks near the top in "quality of life" surveys. Taxes are pretty high in the state, but the political climate is changing and we may be able to get a handle on that.

Airports are abundant. Oshkosh is nearby. What's not to like? Oh, yeah, there is the winter thing. Even that's not too bad, once you get used to it. We do fly year round, just wear your longjohns and have a good cabin heater and you're set. Madison is in the southern part of the state, which generally gets less snowfall than up north.