
Well Known Member
Here it is.. More than waiting to know how many people are building or currently own any RV in Mexico, I'll just wait to see how long it takes for the first reply post to appear.. The answer is simple.

My name is Miguel, I'm currently building an RV-8 in my garage, located in Monterrey, Mexico (MMMY & MMAN). Hope it doesn't take long until I hear from you!:)


Aqui esta.. Mas que ver cuantas personas estan construyendo o en la actualidad posea un RV en Mexico, esperare a ver cuanto tiempo pasa antes de que el primer post aparezca aqui, ya que la respuesta es simple.

Mi nombre es Miguel. Actualmente estoy construyendo un RV-8 en mi cochera, en el area de Monterrey, Nuevo Leon (MMMY & MMAN). Espero no pase mucho tiempo para saber de alguno de ustedes!:)
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Hi Miguel. Welcome! What subkit are you currently working on? Please post some pictures of your progress.
second post!

Thank all you guys! Hopefully I can be of any help to the forums and Van's/VAF community. I've been reading pretty much all the forum's threads since basically looooong before my first Toolbox rivet; gathered so much information from this site more than anywhere else even long before writing this first post (second now). But I'm here now (finally) and willing to cooperate all along :)

Hi Miguel. Welcome! What subkit are you currently working on? Please post some pictures of your progress.

I'm currently starting the rudder section out of the empennage kit. I wouldn't even say I'm halfway through the kit, but I have to admit I'm pretty much ordering the whole wing kit already LOL!
Part preparation is basic and as you all know from experience, it represents probably about 70% of the whole building process, specially when I'm a perfection freak and even want to clean every rivet with a toothbrush lol..

Here's a little bit about my workshop and tool experience:
I have some experience building sand buggies called "tubulares" in Mexico, due to they tubular metallic structure. They run on second-hand mid-70s VW Beattle 1200cc-1400cc engines. They are so much fun to build as they are to ride in the Mexican mountainous deserts.
I decided to build an RV because it represented a good challenge to my building desires and momentum.
I'm also a commercial pilot with tailwheel and aerobatics experience, and due to the lack of such airplanes, pilots, and overall knowledge in Mexico, I've decided to bring such qualifications pretty much the same way the Spanish brought mirrors to the natives when they discovered America.
I believe these two "endorsements" make pilots better aviators, broadening them the skill of complex tasks such as stall recovery and unusual attitude training, as well as elemental flying techniques such as elevator compensation, and slip/skid avoidance. I also believe there are many many pilots out there who doesn't need such trainings and they were born to fly, but experience makes difference and training makes perfect. (or as a fellow captain used to say "PERFECT training makes perfect".

I'm also one of those who gets their brain switch turned on at night, so construction is going slow, but steady. Construction is estimated to run for three years before first take-off.

Sorry for the long post :) but thanks again for welcoming me here. You'll probably see me asking random, obvious questions here and there. I also hope to give out some answers too.
