
After riveting the left elevator I realized the left balance weight was not supposed to be shaped like the right one. It's in very tight and won't slide out because of the dimples in the front of E-713. Any ideas on how to fix this or do I have to drill out E-713.
Welcome to VAF!!!!

Robert, welcome to VAF:D

Can you drill a hole in the opposite side from the weight, and drive it out???

A photo could help to figure this out.
drill the lead out behind the dimples...

you will need to provide some relief behind the dimples to get it out... drill / bore / remove lead to give some relief for the dimples to push lead out of the way as you coerce the block out... take you time.
Thanks for the advice, I'll give that a try. I tried to post a pic but couldn't figure out how, if you've got advice on how to do that I'd appreciate it.
Not sure exectly what you mean but it sounds like a similar problem I had. I was able to shape the weight with a rough file without taking it out. I Just put the fairing on it and it fit nicely.
Insert Pics

Thanks for the advice, I'll give that a try. I tried to post a pic but couldn't figure out how, if you've got advice on how to do that I'd appreciate it.

Just click on the Insert Pics label on the left top of this page, this will forward you to a complete explanation page on how to post pictures on this site.

Or click here if you can't locate the label just below the warning triangle :)
I just did this

I clamped a 2x4 against the side of the bench and placed the counterweight support structure up against the 2x4. Spread the ribs behind the counterweight a bit and hit the lead weight with a hammer. The dimples removed a bit of lead, but the counterweight came out without damage to the structure.

I used the old counterweight as the pattern for drilling the new counterweight. I did effectively route the back of the new lead weight to make it a bit easier to insert.
It seems

like we're on similar paths. Do you suppose we are the only guys to machine both counterweights? :)
I did it too.

Nope, I machined both weights as well. I'm about to start the canopy and still have not done anything about it. I was hoping I could add weight back. Has anyone tried that? After seeing this thread I'm thinking I'll replace it.
Nope, I machined both weights as well. I'm about to start the canopy and still have not done anything about it. I was hoping I could add weight back. Has anyone tried that? After seeing this thread I'm thinking I'll replace it.

I've actually thought about it and I think I'm going to try bolting the piece of lead that was removed on and add washers til it balances and ad-hear it with RTV so there's no vibration or movement. I'll post a pick when I do it so you all can let me know what you think.
I made the same mistake on my RV-7. I removed the weight like Stephen on post #3 said and added some lead again.
There is a tooling hole just behind the lead, I opened this up and installed a #10 nutplate there so I can add weight with a bolt and (large area) washers if required later for balancing. The bolt would go in from the fuselage side.
