Doug Lewis

Well Known Member
I'm just getting started on dimpling the horizontal stab. When doing parts that will have 3 parts being rivted (hs-708 rib, hs702 spar, hs-801pp skin) should I be machine countersinking the middle part (hs-702 spar) and leaving the rib flat, or dimple all three? The spar is .040 thick.
When in boubt, Dimple!

Always dimple when given a choice. For anything thicker than .032", machine countersinking is required for a 3/32" rivet.

I just measured HS-702 on my RV8 empennage, and it's only 0.032". I dimpled all three because none were thick enough to countersink.
Looks to be .032 as well.

Finished dimpling one half of the HS today. Can someone confirm that the 6 inboard holes that are marked to be left open for fairing attach points are still dimpled even though they're left open?
Hi Doug
No dimples there. Look on drawing 44 in your manual and it should show K1000-06 nutplates installed. I am building a 7 but the fairing attachment should be similar. Hope this helps.


Hi Arnie, Thanks for the reply. I didn't dimple the ribs, and was trying to avoid dimpling the skin, but counted the holes wrong and left the wrong holes undimpled. .. Stupid question: Can I put two smooth dies in the squeezer and flatten them back out? :eek:
Thanks again Arnie.

Hi Doug ,
do you mean you won't dimple your HS skin,but rather countersink?
To morrow I dimple the skin of my HS, using a pneumatic squeezer when possible, and C-frames in the other cases . I hope the job will be similar .