Recently Sport Aviation magazine had an article about a Super-6. Soon, I found a thread here which mentioned the M1 Supercruiser. See http://hpai.com/proj_speedcruiser.html

Hmmm.... further intriqued, I sent an email to Team Rocket about the M1, and heard back from Mark Frederick.
See below.

Subject: M1?

Message: Hello, Will Team Rocket offer the M1 Speedcruiser? If so, do you have any details as to when?


As far as I know at this point, we will be the US seller for this aircraft.

As soon as it's done! As to when that will be, I can say that on my visit to the CZ Rep in March, the production prototype airframe looked complete less the empennage, which was 90% complete in the computer, and in fact a few ribs had been produced. I'd look for a first flight in the fall... unless Murphy decides to 'help'...

A few days ago it was on its wheels and HPAI were close to starting the engine.

HPAI designed the Evo wing. The Rocket was the first user and this is the second. It is certainly NOT pop riveted.

In the flesh it looks mighty fine. Its a bigger stronger looking aircraft than a -7. The spec quoted in the previous email gives the actual numbers.