
Well Known Member
Hello all,

I am installing a Lynx NGT-200, with adbs-b out and in over WiFi in my rv-9. I chose this unit because I believe it qualifies for the adsb rebate and should work with my gtx327 transponder as the control head. I did have to upgrade the software on the gtx-327. This was rather painless, stein airways able to upgrade to 3.12 version for $40. The hardware install went pretty easily. I have a question about the software installation, has anyone here done this before? I seem to be getting a crc mismatch error and when I try to enter my icao code I get a unit downgrade error. For whatever reason this does not allow entry of the Icao code in the entry box.

I will call lynx on Monday but I thought someone here might know.


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I called lynx today and it sounds like this was a problem that had been encountered before, so they sent me a work around mpc software today. I'll give it a try tomorrow. They were actually pretty helpful about the whole issue, which is nice.

PIREP please!

that's a groovy little box....can you tell us newbies how it works, what the final cost was, and later, what it's like to fly with it?


I'll try to get some pics of the install tonight and give a report on how it's going. I'm hoping to fly off my test period in the next couple weeks, so hopefully I will have some good feedback on the process.


The new software lynx sent me worked to input the Icao number. Now I just need to complete the test flight to make sure the adsb is working. I installed the antennas and box in the tail. The WiFi module is in the baggage compartment, see pictures. The install was not too bad, mount the box and antenna and then run the wires to the adsb and transponder. The lynx box seems to take most serial inputs or grey code from the encoding altimeter. There are 2 warning lights that you need to install in the panel if you are not using the control head. I didn't use the control head, because the gtx327 already has the control features built in.

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I got everything working after a few tries, here are a couple hints:

1. To get adsb in working on your tablet over WiFi, select display as gmx-200, seems odd but this works.

2. On your test flight make sure to do enough 360 degree turns. All 30 degree bank, climbing and descending at airspeed that simulate take-off and decent. I guess 10 minutes is enough. I probably did 8 360 degree turns and that worked okay.

Seems to work good with forefliĝht on my tablet, and the FAA reports were good, so I think the install is complete. Overall I would say the process is fairly easy, but probably more complex than getting a solution that is integrated into the transponder. The set-up software was not bad, but it does seem to assume you have some experience, so there might be some hunting around to get everything working. Overall I would say the l-3 ngt-2000 is a good product, especially if you have a gtx327 already.


Not enough people post follow ups so i thought i would be the exception thos time. The ngt-2000 is still working great. I have not had any problems, weather and traffic seem to work well on my ipad. It's nice having this built into the plane instead of using a separate box. This is a good aolution if you have a 327 gtx.
