
Hi all

Currently I am doing a lot of study on my next aircraft and am leaning toward the rv4. Has anyone fitted the Titan 320 or 340 stroker to the rv4 and if so have you experienced any problems eg cowls? As an engineer I've cut my teeth on certified lycomings and believe there is a lot of potential and areas for improvements. My preferred engine for the 4 is a worked io320 eg port and polish, emags, 10:1 comp, nice exhaust, Sam James cowls with high flow filter etc and the Titan comes with a lot of these goodies if needed! Any help would be great!

ECI's new assembled Titan stroker motors are quite a value. I think the 340 is the perfect choice. Our team just started installing some of these motors. Your choice of custom accessories, colors, and the power to weight is compelling. It will fit no problem in your RV-4. Holler if you have any questions.
James & Kahuna, I'm very interested in the Titan O-340 also. I've got an O-320 presently that purrs like a kitten and I'd be foolish to change. However, my druthers would be to have an O-360 and I daydream a lot.

As a practical matter though, if and when I really needed an engine, I'd be better off to switch to the O-340 or a 170+ hp O-320. I have a James Holy Cowl and I don't want to re-do it. I could conceivably just switch to one of the other engines and not have to modify the cowl.

Mel Asberry has a 175/177 hp O-320 engine in his -6 that he's real happy with. You might want to search his posts for more comments regarding that engine.

I subscribe to having as many horses as you practically can, even if you don't always use them.

Please keep us posted on what you do James.

I am also building an RV-4 and I am thinking in engine installation.
I almost decided for an IO-320 because of weight of IO-360 and associated propeller.
Now I see that the IXO-360 which Titan sells is lighter than Lycoming stock.
ECI states its weight is 254 lbs. without accessories.
Who really knows the actual weight difference with the Lyco IO-360?
And how much is the price?
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Performance Engine Life

As an observer only as i dont have the plane building experience of you guys, I have a couple of questions.

1. How would the io 340 go in an RV 3 ?, mini rocket i think.

2. What sort of engine life are the guys that soup up engines and run 10.1 pistons with the head work and cam shafts etc getting. Do they still run out 2000 hours ?.

2. What sort of engine life are the guys that soup up engines and run 10.1 pistons with the head work and cam shafts etc getting. Do they still run out 2000 hours ?.

I have 850 hrs. on my O-320 with 9.5:1 compression. So far my compression and oil consumption remain the same.
I run a 3-blade Catto prop and don't "push" the engine. I typically cruise at 60% power.
Guys, about what is the cost of an eci strokes? I am getting closer now and starting to look around for an engine, still leaning to a new one.

Barrett Engines - excellent value

Everyone looking at engines should look at Barrett Precision Engines - they will build you anything you want and there are a lot of added value items included. Check their website:
And then give Rhonda and Allen a call - they are great people!
And I'm not sponsored by them or related! I just got a great, custom engine at a very fair price!
Thanks for the info and insight. I know some of the earlier eci's had problems with ring delaminating. Paul dye experienced that, but I think that has been resolved. Eci does look like a good value as do others. A lycoming just seems a bit higher in price for the same. Of course engines are my weak spot without having as much experience with them. My mission is low maintenance and high tbo, not really highest power.

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High comp piston with catto

I have 850 hrs. on my O-320 with 9.5:1 compression. So far my compression and oil consumption remain the same.
I run a 3-blade Catto prop and don't "push" the engine. I typically cruise at 60% power.

Planning to put titan 370 with 9.1 pistons, it will work well with a catto 3 blade? What do you think?
Planning to put titan 370 with 9.1 pistons, it will work well with a catto 3 blade? What do you think?

Welcome to the VAF..

I have a Titan 370 STROKER and I love it as I'm sure you will.

Very smooth and strong engine. An excellent choice.
Planning to put titan 370 with 9.1 pistons, it will work well with a catto 3 blade? What do you think?

Should work great. If I had it to do over again, I would go with 9.1 instead of 9.5 compression.
When I went from 7:1 to 9.5:1 pistons I found that the engine wasn't nearly as smooth. Of course as soon as I went to the 3-blade Catto, I got the smoothness back and then some.
The Long Run...

Hi all

Currently I am doing a lot of study on my next aircraft and am leaning toward the rv4. Has anyone fitted the Titan 320 or 340 stroker to the rv4 and if so have you experienced any problems eg cowls? As an engineer I've cut my teeth on certified lycomings and believe there is a lot of potential and areas for improvements. My preferred engine for the 4 is a worked io320 eg port and polish, emags, 10:1 comp, nice exhaust, Sam James cowls with high flow filter etc and the Titan comes with a lot of these goodies if needed! Any help would be great!



Age old question, 0-320 or 0-360? Or 0-340...Most of your decision making will depend on your mission and your budget.

As you know, the RV4 is a 70's design with the 0-320 as it's primary engine of choice. If kept at design weight (950# or less) it performs extremely well with a strong 0-320 and the right prop. The 0-360 has more HP and a bit more weight but not much more cost. The 0-340 is a re-introduction of an old design and is a great idea. However comma, you can easily achieve a light weight 180HP engine (320,360) using light weight accessories, magnesium flywheel and a composite FP prop. The RV4 flight quality differences with the 0-320 and 0-360 are really minimal.

So, which one?

The Stroker 340 is a great concept born in the 1950's by Lycoming. They needed more horses from what was then the only available engine, the 0-320A so they simply lengthened the stroke of the crank, different cylinders and pistons and thus, more HP. Hot rodders have been doing it for years. The twin Navion was the first recipient of a pair of them. Of course, then, like now, there aren't alot of them out there, so parts are unique, in the big scheme of things. ECI as far as I know is single source on producing crankshafts. In contrast, there are over 30,000 0-320 crankshafts out there.

The 0-360: More HP, longer stroke (same as 340) a bit more weight, a bit tighter fit in RV4 cowling. Lots produced, lots of parts, lots of options. With a Catto 3 prop and 9.0:1 compression you would have a screamer, trust me, I've flown that setup.

The 0-320: I built my RV4 in 89' and decided on rebuilding a used 0-320, balancing and blueprinting it and installing high comp (9.0:1) pistons. At 950 lbs it still consistently outperforms higher HP RV's. I'm an A&P and did most of the work myself and was flying with a total expenditure of $6K. I installed the first Electronic Ignition available and still believe it adds a huge boost in efficiency. That same 0-320 still runs like a watch today and provides the new owner a reliable, powerful engine for a reasonable cost with a huge parts base available. It could still be done for not much more expenditure in the current market. My current RVX has an 0-360J2A with lightweight accessories. It's installed weight matches the 0-320A it replaced with a 10% improvement in performance. Yep, not much difference...

So, why plunk down $25 grand for an engine? Heck, you can buy a flying RV4 now cheaper than you can build one, for not much more than a new 0-340 costs!

Good question...What's in your wallet? :)

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Lots of information on Titan engines on their web pages:

Tech data on ECI engines:

The latest price list I have from ECI (got it at Sun'n Fun)
OX-340 = $26,000
IOX-340 = $29,300
OX-370 = $26,900
IOX-370 = $30,200
IOX-409 = $50,700 (really!)

Call them if you have any detailed questions. They are really nice folks to deal with. Sales ? Toll Free: (800) 324-2359

That IOX-409 is still cheaper a Deltahawk, my current favorite...