
Well Known Member
We will be purchasing a new XIO-320 in the next few days for the 9A and have a few engine questions:

1. Do the new factory Lycomings from Vans get run in with test prop and such as do most of the ECI buildup engines?

2. Are there any real break-in differences between the Nickel ECI cylinders and the standard Lycoming cylinders?

3. Other differences between the two to consider??

Apparently Vans has kept their engine prices the same (so far), but the ECI builds have gone up or are going up soon... This is a big purchase and we don't want to mess up!
I can answer the 1st one, but not the others. My lycoming from Van's was run on a test stand at the factory, during which temps and parameters were checked and recorded. The literature says the engine is "broken in", but I still plan to follow the reccomended break in procedures. Have no idea what they put on the front for a prop.

Van's had a really good deal on engines, and the $1000 off if you buy the prop is good incentive. The warranty starts 2 years from date of delivery, or when you send the card in, whatever comes first. I think it is one year, but don't hold me to that. It's been a while since I looked.

You may get a better warranty from one of the engine builders. If I lived conveniently close to one of the better known engine shops, I might have gone that route. Nothing beats someone you can go to in person if you have a problem.
Just a suggestion

Hey Paul and Beth. If you dont have to order it in the next week or two, i would suggest waiting till sunnfun. Last years vans special was a discount off their price, FREE crating, free shipping, etc and then you also get the 1000 discount if you get the prop from them. Was a pretty good deal when crating and shipping can add up to lots after you find your price. Their oshkosh deal was similar but $500 more then sunnfun.
Hope that helps. In this economy, gotta save a buck when you can. Buys lots of fuel, or the wife a few nice nights out.:)
Lycoming Engines

We will be purchasing a new XIO-320 in the next few days for the 9A and have a few engine questions:

1. Do the new factory Lycomings from Vans get run in with test prop and such as do most of the ECI buildup engines?

2. Are there any real break-in differences between the Nickel ECI cylinders and the standard Lycoming cylinders?

3. Other differences between the two to consider??

Apparently Vans has kept their engine prices the same (so far), but the ECI builds have gone up or are going up soon... This is a big purchase and we don't want to mess up!

Lycoming does a test run on the engine in the test cell for 1-1.5 hours with a test prop.

As far as break in, even though it is run in for that long, it would still be advisable to follow SI1427 on the initial break in flight.
One of the engine experts may chime in here, but I believe the initial operation performed by the builder (Lyc or ECi) is referred to as the "run-in". This is different than the break-in and is meant to be an initial check on engine assembly, not to break in the engine. The "break-in" is a substantially longer period (>25 hrs) meant to operate the engine in the optimum manner to get the rings to properly seat and result in the best efficiency for fuel/oil use.
I've always had good luck with Lycoming. When you order from Van's, they spec their engines so all their FWF components will fit properly.

Mess up?

This is a big purchase and we don't want to mess up!

I have a lyc and a superior engine, no ECi, but from my research, you will probably be happy either way.

Both are really fine engines.

I will tell you that my 35 year old 1500 hr LYC O320 was running great when I decided to rebuild her for calendar time reasons. Everything inside measured out like new.
Two pennys

OK I get in hot water with D.R. if I name, names.. And I don't write that well, but heres my two pennys. Both are fine power-plants. You well be happy with either. "E.C.I" I just put to gether an IOX-360 for my personal RV. I coulded have it any of and all the way up to brand new full data tag. I do not have a need for roller lifters on a slow turning air cooled non racing engine. We will not be going to Martenvillie with this one. I do have a need for the thrust washers between the crank and crank case. I know it will give me a good clean case boss in two to 3000 houres, if I open up the lower end then. I do have a need for the venturie intake valve seats. Engine has smother and better air flow into the combustion chamber. 4-5% or so. I will never have a need again for a plain steel or crome steel cylinder. The big boys all over the world have gone to Nickle Carbide coated cylinders. All most all the hi-end sports cars and race cars.. It wets will, you don't wear the cylinder wall now. You wear the rings. Daimler puts in in there blocks,no sleeves just coats the inside of the aluminum blocks. I have seen them go 200,000 kl. and the rings go first. We have taken new nickle cylinders and put wet cardborn in them for a few days just to see if we could get some flash rust. It dose not happen only water stains that wip off.. On an aircraft the nickle dose not care if you flew it 20 or 400 hourse last year. Keep the cam lubed from time to time along with the gear train. You will spind a lot liss down the road and last a lot longer doing it!!
Your as always R.E.A.III #80888
I've been extrordinarily happy with my ECI built by Mattituck. I feel they offer some real advantages; crank thrust bearing, nickel carbide cylinders, O-rings at the case bolts, oil jet on the cam, etc.

At the time I bought my engine (Oshkosh 2007), Mattituck was not appreciably more than Van's prices on Lycomings. Since I already had a WW200RV prop and wasn't taking advantage of the $1000 off combo deal from Van's, Mattituck's ECI engine was actually a fair amount LESS expensive. One of the other deciding factors was that I get instantaneous (even on weekends) response to questions, and fantastic support through Mahlon Russel at Mattituck. Mahlon has sold enough RV engines that he really knows the details of the installation. I can't imagine getting that level of service from Lycoming.

That said, I think either choice is a good one. I would certainly wait until Sun 'n Fun or Oshkosh to buy though.

JB Engines/ECI

At Sun n Fun 2007, 3 guys, in search of 4 engines for their RV8 projects, happened upon the JB Aircraft Engines tent. They met Jim Brod's Jr. and Sr. along with Mrs. Jim Brod Sr. Two hours later, the proverbial "Mom and Pop" engine shop had sold 4 O-360A1A ECI Titan engines.
Yesterday for the first time those engines flew in a diamond formation.
The engines, although only have about 300 cumulative hrs., have been performing flawlessly.
I highly recommend JB Aircraft Engines of Sebring Fl.

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Thanks for the input... one other thing that I see on the ECI quotes is the angled oil filter adapter - How does the factory Lycoming oil filter mount??
cam lube

I've been extrordinarily happy with my ECI built by Mattituck. I feel they offer some real advantages; crank thrust bearing, nickel carbide cylinders, O-rings at the case bolts, oil jet on the cam, etc.


On an ECI engine, how is the cam lubed differently from lycoming? And if the engine won't be run all winter long, how is the cam to be kept lubed up?

Rob Attaway's picture...

On an ECI engine, how is the cam lubed differently from lycoming? And if the engine won't be run all winter long, how is the cam to be kept lubed up?


...shows the extra nozzles that squirt oil on the cam -


They are not on most of our true Lycoming O-360s...
cam lube

Thanks for the excellent picture. I see the cam oil nozzles. What's the procedure prior to months of just sitting? I'm thinking of adding a preoiler, and running up the oil pressure periodically. Will this be enough pressure to squirt the cold oil onto the cam to recoat?

Thanks for the excellent picture. I see the cam oil nozzles. What's the procedure prior to months of just sitting? I'm thinking of adding a preoiler, and running up the oil pressure periodically. Will this be enough pressure to squirt the cold oil onto the cam to recoat?


Mattituck told me that some people do just that. My solution is to fly every weekend. Of course, I live in the desert.

just curious, what about this AD I just found on line about eci cylinders? Said they had to be inspected every 50 hours, no if's and's or but's. I assume all eci kit engines have them, plus I guess they can be put in other brand of engines?
We are in the process of picking an engine for our rv8, either the lycoming from van's or an eci titan kit. Any comments about the AD
just curious, what about this AD I just found on line about eci cylinders? Said they had to be inspected every 50 hours, no if's and's or but's. I assume all eci kit engines have them, plus I guess they can be put in other brand of engines?
We are in the process of picking an engine for our rv8, either the lycoming from van's or an eci titan kit. Any comments about the AD

It was just a batch of ECI cylinders, not all of them. My ECI cylinders for instance are not affected.
Thanks for the excellent picture. I see the cam oil nozzles. What's the procedure prior to months of just sitting? I'm thinking of adding a preoiler, and running up the oil pressure periodically. Will this be enough pressure to squirt the cold oil onto the cam to recoat?


Any idea where you would get a preoiler from?

On the B-17 we use a feathering pump (not sure of the origin) for pre-oiling prior to each start.


I installed a certified pre-oiler from this manufacturer. http://www.oilamatic.com/
After chatting to Mahlon at T/M he indicated it was an option worth installing for me along with a Tanis enginea de-hydrator as I am away two weeks at a time. Hope to look after my Red/Gold FADEC engine long term with both these items.

Cheers, Greg RV-7A
It was just a batch of ECI cylinders, not all of them. My ECI cylinders for instance are not affected.

I'd be very mad if I hade to have my engine inspected every 50 hours...please profide a link to this.:confused:

I'm waiting for my new ECI IOX-360 to arrive, and the last thing I want to do is deal with problems. Please provide a link
ECi Cylinders

Just talk to ECi directly. They will be your best source of correct information on the issue. The facts are also on their website.