
Well Known Member
I have a Titan G6 mechanical fuel pump on the Lycoming TIO-540 engine that I purchased for my build.

After starting the engine it seems that the Titan fuel pump will leak from the cover gasket only when the electronic fuel pump and the engine is running.

It does not leak when the engine is stopped and the electric fuel pump is running...nor will it leak when the engine is running and the electric fuel pump is off...just when both are running at the same time.

So...IF...I could find a gasket for the cover for this pump that would be the most cost effective option to fix it...If I cannot find a source for the gasket then I think the best option would be to buy a Romec "experimental" pump however I do not have a core so that might be kinda pricey.

Does anyone out there in VansLand have any suggestions/experience/well wishes/ ect that can help me get my engine running again?!?!?

I guess that there is no way to upload photos on this forum otherwise I would upload a photo of what I am working on.

How about buying gasket material and cutting your own new gasket? What's special about it that makes it not possible to get a replacement?