
Well Known Member
I'm based at Corona (KAJO) and live in Mission Viejo and I need to ship my engine to Aerosport. Before I make up my own crate, I thought I'd ask if anyone locally had a sturdy 4 cyl Lycoming shipping crate I could borrow for a few weeks. I know it's a long shot but I thought I'd ask. Thanks!
Most of a Crate


I still have the four sides and top of the shipping crate used by Aero Sport Power to ship my engine to me last year. I broke up the pallet on the bottom and recycled the materials so you would have to build a new one but you are welcome to use what I have. I may even still have the brackets used to attach the crank shaft to the pallet.

Down side is you would have to drive all of two miles to pick it up. PM me if you want it.
