
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Does anyone out there happen to have a comprehensive part number cross-reference for Lycomings? If you go to the most current parts catalog for the O-360's, you'll find drawing sand tables that have been around since the 50's (or earlier), and the part numbers doesn't correspond to anything actually available from the various suppliers today. For instance, a crankshaft for an O-360-A1A is listed as a 74966. Through a lot of digging, I have found that the modern part number for that is 13B47120 (or maybe its a 13B27120 - its no clear which superseded the other...).

I was on the phone to Aircraft Specialties, who can for sure send you the right parts, but even that parts guy said that he just had some spreadsheets (which he didn't offer to share) to get customers the correct parts.

Unless I missed it in the stack of Lycoming Service Letters, Bulletins, and Manuals, I don't think they gave us such a table at the Lycoming school. It sure would be handy to have when shopping for parts!

There's a "numerical part history" listing that was generally helpful when I was collecting parts for my O-360 build. SSP-499 is the document number. Not sure where I found it, or maybe the A&P that supervised me gave it to me.

However, I found it wasn't entirely complete, at least not the one I had. Some of the more recent SBs specified newer parts that weren't on the list.

One omission I also noted was that the oil pump drive shaft is omitted in the O-360-A parts catalog, at least for some of the models. I checked it, my A&P checked it, and it wasn't there. Held up my build for a week while the new one shipped. The part number for that one is 61174...

Not a fan of a lot of Lycoming's manuals, honestly... everything's scattered around and things like the parts catalogs are woefully out of date. I found one of the overhaul manuals from a clone manufacturer to be a very helpful reference during my build as it was laid out sequentially, clearly, and much more specific (at least, pretty close) to the engine I was building.
There's a "numerical part history" listing that was generally helpful when I was collecting parts for my O-360 build. SSP-499 is the document number. Not sure where I found it, or maybe the A&P that supervised me gave it to me.

However, I found it wasn't entirely complete, at least not the one I had. Some of the more recent SBs specified newer parts that weren't on the list.

One omission I also noted was that the oil pump drive shaft is omitted in the O-360-A parts catalog, at least for some of the models. I checked it, my A&P checked it, and it wasn't there. Held up my build for a week while the new one shipped. The part number for that one is 61174...

Not a fan of a lot of Lycoming's manuals, honestly... everything's scattered around and things like the parts catalogs are woefully out of date. I found one of the overhaul manuals from a clone manufacturer to be a very helpful reference during my build as it was laid out sequentially, clearly, and much more specific (at least, pretty close) to the engine I was building.

Bingo! SSP-499 is what I was looking for - might not be complete but the latest rev appears to be "c", and it is far better than the old catalogs! The newer catalogs are much better, but they often still have old part numbers. And to find the catalog for the most common )-360 variant, you need to get the one labelled "0, 10, HO, H10-360 PARTS CATALOG" (I think the first "10" is a typo, and should be IO). Oh wait....that appears to be for a “Standard Cylinder Flange” model, one we all know as “Narrow Flange“, which has been pretty much replaced by the Wide Flange engines (decades ago), but the “Standard” catalog is now much newer than the “Wide Flange” catalog.... fortunately, you can chase the parts through SSP-499...and it appears to work!

Lycoming told me a few years ago that it was their goal to bring everything up to date and online, and they are slowly crawling in that direction. Yes, I also have the Superior build manual, which is "Superior" to the Lycoming Overhaul manual in terms of step-by-step...but I don't have a problem with building - just finding the appropriate current part numbers!

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