Incredible places........

.......where folks build airplanes!! At least you have a slab. My Cassutt was built in a single car garage on a dirt floor!:)....back in '71.

Thanks for posting,
I ain't no lawyer but I don't see a copyright stamp on any of these.....

If downloading PDF manuals is a crime, billions are guilty as charged.

Just make sure you have the most recent revision, check that out for yourself. There is a document/revision PDF on Lycommings website to let you know what the latest is.

I guess since most of these manuals were written 30-60 years ago, copywrite stamps had not been invented yet.

What should be a crime is charging a fortune for manuals that are older than dirt when it would cost them only pennies to post them as PDF files for free like most modern day companies do for technical products.
I'm no copyright attorney, but this is what I was told.

I ain't no lawyer but I don't see a copyright stamp on any of these.....
If downloading PDF manuals is a crime, billions are guilty as charged.

Copyrights don't have to be labeled as such. When I got the copyright for my "US of TEXAS" decals, they told me that once you have published it, the copyright is pretty much automatic. The $35 just got me the piece of paper showing proof that the design is recorded with them.
Having said that, if you are downloading it for your own personal use, I don't think it's a problem.
If you download and print them for resale, that's a different horse.
I don't know if there is a distinction between personal use and selling it. I am no lawyer either, but there are a lot of people getting nailed and getting big fines daily, downloading copyrighted music, for their personal use, from those music file sharing sites. If you want to publish Lycoming material, maybe you should call Lycoming and ask them if it is OK. If they say yes you are covered and if they say no you can make your own decision as to what kind of risk you are taking. A visit from the copyright police would sure be disappointing?? to say the least.
I have a few articles on our website and magazines, newsletters ,etc. call all the time and ask for permission to quote them and also to reprint them. So, I would assume asking and getting permission makes it OK.
Good Luck,
"The opinions and information provided in this and all of my posts are hopefully helpful to you. Please use the information provided responsibly and at your own risk."

I have had a bit to do with copyright law. I figger lycoming arent in the business of selling manuals that were printed in the 70s. They sell engines.