
I'm New Here
My RV-4 has a 160 hp Lycoming (IO-320-B1A) with a MT-Propeller (Constant Speed MTV-12-C Three Blade). My RPM on takeoff with full throttle and full forward Prop (min pitch) is consistently around 2770 RPM. The Lycoming manual specifies a normal rated RPM of 2700. Assuming my EPI 800 tachometer is accurate, should I be concerned?

Bob is on the money here. You may wish to check your tach. reading first with one of those little light boxes with reflective tape or a turner card. It is not that unusual for a tach. to be off 20-50 RPMS. And if the rated RPM is 2700-2750 you are well within the error rang. By the way if you are racing it is not unusual to turn them over 3,000 RPM's, but you will most likely want to stay within your safety and warranty range. Hope this helps, yours R.E.A. III #80888
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