
Well Known Member
This may be old news, but it was something that caught me so I figured I'd post it here for you RV-14 builders who may have purchased new Van's engines for their RV-14.

I bought mine in 2014 at OSH, and set delivery for just after the 1st of the year in 2015.

Just recently I was trying to obtain a good parts manual for our version of the IO-390. Mine's a YIO-390-EXP-10. (Unfortunately I don't think such a parts manual exists for us but we may have to use a different variant of the IO-390). While on the Lycoming site I ran across a fuel pump SB that I hadn't seen before. It is SB 621B, which supersedes a few others so it's been issued before similarily under other numbers.

Basically it says that you need to check your fuel pump because your fuel pump may have been made with non-conforming parts. By the SB, we are out of warranty coverage, but it sounds like Lycoming is going to cover it for me. I am in the process of returning the fuel pump right now, having ordered one thru a distributor as a replacement. I swapped it out this weekend and learned a couple of tricks that I'll put on my website soon.

At any rate, it's easy to check the SN on the unit and if yours falls in the range you should probably address it. If you don't, the pump potentially will develop a fuel leak, and the last thing an airplane needs is a fuel leak firewall forward, or aft for that matter.

This SB doesn't affect just the IO-390, but many engines, so if you stumble on this thread you may want to be aware of it. Here's a link to the SB:

I saw the SB after I received my engine last spring. In my case my date code was 5215 so I wasn't affected.

It is easy to check. I ordered during last years Sun'n fun show special so I would think only people ordering six months or so before that would have an issue. Airventure 2015 show special ordering window could have been in that time frame.
Thanks for the heads up on this. My YIO-360-M1B has an affected fuel pump. Engine received new from Van's in early 2015.
Thanks Tim, for posting this thread. I removed my top cowl and got the data off my pump. Of coarse my numbers are different than what I see on the SB and on Tim's pumps. I contacted the local distributor in Quebec and gave my information and I just get an e-mail stating "your pump is OK". My pump is an 62B26931 , but does not have the RC and four digit date code, it only has "H 2113" below the P/N and this is all located on the web of the pump mount.Your pump is OK does not cut it for me, I need to know why, what does the H2113 mean? What is different on mine that makes it OK?