
Well Known Member

so happy to take my new XO-360-A1A out of the container next week ! I have to drive for 300 miles from my home.

I know that the box is 39x39x28". Has somebody a picture of the box (opened) that Van's use ? Just to have an idea how to prepare my euros car (not a Suv) :eek:


This is what my Lycoming O-320 from Vans looked like when I took the cardboard box off of it. It was extremely heavy, I estimate the palet alone weighed close to 100 pounds (really).

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Yes, I did not have the long term storage option and it sat for about a year before I mounted and started hooking everything up. Pretty much everything was sealed, exhaust, intake manifold, dip stick opening. Lots of oil drained out when I removed the manifold and exhaust seals so I think letting it sit for a year was ok. I still havenen't removed any spark plugs or attempted to turn the engine over which I understand should not be done until I am close to first start time. Good luck hauling your engine, I hope you have a fairly large car and several stong friends!
Well done

I used my car, a volkswagen Passat station. I put the heavy box without problem, just a little bit of help to takethe engine out of the car. Everything went well, thanx for help.