
Well Known Member
When I placed the order for my engine (IO-390) a month or so ago, I was informed that the standard experimental engines had ~90 day lead time, but the Thunderbolt engines had a significant backlog.

Fast forward to this past Friday and I was informed that my order was among ~30+ engine orders that have yet to be confirmed/acknowledged from Lycoming as they are just returning to the office.

I have no grounding if 30 engines is alot or normal business that they pump out in a few weeks. About how many engines do they produce per month/year? I'm obviously trying to interpolate when I may receive my engine.
Lead time

I just ordered my IO360M1B. I was told by Vans that I would receive and email from Lycoming, as well, about estimated time of delivery. I was also told that others, who handed ordered, were still waiting on said email two weeks later. Hopefully things will get back to ?normal? and we can get back to building! Good luck!
I ordered my IO-360-M1B on 3-Feb of this year, specifying a delivery in November, since I'm still working on the canopy and don't have the airplane on its wheels yet. Then got the offer from Lycoming in late April to expedite it and get it done earlier. I turned them down but now that I think of it I probably should have accepted it. No harm in having an engine sitting on my garage floor for a few months.
Nope, as far as I'm aware still planned for November. When I said I should have accepted the early deliver offer, I meant because I may actually need it well before November. Making pretty good progress on the airplane in these times of "nothing else to do".
Nope, as far as I'm aware still planned for November. When I said I should have accepted the early deliver offer, I meant because I may actually need it well before November. Making pretty good progress on the airplane in these times of "nothing else to do".

Same here! I had no idea that I would blow the finishing kit so fast.