paul winters

I'm New Here
My FWF kit was tailored for a Superior IO360, vertical induction and therefore included a lower cowl with scoop.

Trouble is I've been waiting since April for my engine and am looking at alternatives. The Vans experimental Lycomings are out as they need a scoop less cowl.

I may have sourced a lycoming IO 360 B1B which Ken at vans thinks will fit my cowl etc but isn't sure.

Can anyone tell me if the MIB will fit the lower scoop type cowl, I accept other stuff from the FWF kit may need swapped but I really don't want to have to buy another cowl.



A B1B will be very similar to a Superior engine with a vertical induction sump. An M1B has a horizontal induction sump, is not the same at all and does not need a scoop cowl.

Have you tried one of the engine builders, such as AeroSport Power, they assembled a Lycoming based IO-360-B1B for me a while ago and were able to include all of the options that I wanted without any trouble.

When a kit is ordered from ECI it shows up as a B1B on the packing details. I'm thinking a Superior engine would also show up as a B1B if all things were equal.
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Thanks to all for the replies.

The M1B engine I thought was for sale is in fact only a crank case.

I've been offered a VIO 360 B1A which is complete but is parallel mount. It would have to be stripped and rebuilt to zero time standards anyway so I am wondering if, during the rebuild, the crankases could be swapped?

I.e are the remaining parts interchangeable e.g. crankshaft, sump, cylinders etc so that I would end up with a dynafocal1 B1B?

Thanks again.


My FWF kit was tailored for a Superior IO360, vertical induction and therefore included a lower cowl with scoop.

Trouble is I've been waiting since April for my engine and am looking at alternatives. The Vans experimental Lycomings are out as they need a scoop less cowl.

I may have sourced a lycoming IO 360 B1B which Ken at vans thinks will fit my cowl etc but isn't sure.

Can anyone tell me if the MIB will fit the lower scoop type cowl, I accept other stuff from the FWF kit may need swapped but I really don't want to have to buy another cowl.


If you want a Van's engine, IO-360 horizonal induction, why not just cut off the scoop of your cowl and rebuild it, not that hard to do. OR just buy a Van's lower cowl and sell yours. Easier to swap cowls than engines especially if your FWF kit is for an IO-360.
Mike H 9A/8A
Thanks guys, Vans say cutting the scoop off their cowl won't work as the what remains is shallower than the original scoop less cowl and there won't be sufficient room for the snorkel, exhaust etc.

I am in the UK, buying and shipping another lower cowl is v expensive.

So I am trying to source a vertical induction injected engine to match my FWF kit which was tailored for the Superior.

The whole subject of engine designators seems hugely complicated to me, the Superior I ordered is designated B1AC2 yet the Lycoming I need to replace it with is B1B right?


When I changed my -8 from a 320 to a 360 I had to either change the cowling or the scoop. Van's didn't sell the scoop however I contacted the cowling maker and he sent me one. I grafted it on to my cowling and made the entire change over much easier. I don't know if this will help you or not.