Where is the engine ID info?

Where is the info that allows you to determine if your engine is affected?
Why is anyone surprised?

"Lycoming quality" is an oxymoron. That's why I bought a Superior XP-360.
David-aviator said:
It may also be a factor as to why Jan Eggenfellner is currently doing a batch of 56 H6 engines for December delivery.

...And he just announced delivery of ten more today! ;)
hevansrv7a said:
"Lycoming quality" is an oxymoron. That's why I bought a Superior XP-360.

Thems is a fightin' words! Seriously though, this AD and others have been a boon the clone manufacturers and the other alternative packages but a killer for many Lyco owners.

The $60M estimated price tag for Textron here will be added to the other tens of millions in legal judgements over crank problems recently. No wonder a new Lyco is so expensive. $40K for a new 540!!!!???? Lyco has nobody to blame except themselves for such poor QC.

If I was in the market for an engine like this, I too would be buying a clone.
Attack of the clones!
White Jackets

cjensen said:
...And he just announced delivery of ten more today! ;)

Now Chad, do we have to call the men in the white jackets for that Intervention and deprogramming from the "S" word?

DON'T make me come out there.
This is just incredible. :eek: HOW can a company that keeps shipping out engines built around junk cranks stay in business??!? When will ECI/Superior....kick down the doors at Lyco and take the reins? (I know I know, why would they? They would inherit one big pile of headaches they didn't cause in the first place.)

I've been mighty lucky to have a solid crank, early 90's built 360 in my -8 that has (as far as I can tell from the nebulous mumbojumbo on the AD's) escaped this issue and various others. Still, every time I see that FAA notice in the mailbox, I head straight for the Tylenol and six pack.
RV7Guy said:
Now Chad, do we have to call the men in the white jackets for that Intervention and deprogramming from the "S" word?

DON'T make me come out there.

Darwin, don't worry...

In a week he will be onto the Corvette engine thing or something else!

Thank God for the Private Citizen

Thank God for that private citizen who stepped forward and pointed out to the FAA that non-counterweighted cranks are not affected by the problem and should not be included in the AD. Thus no O-360-A1A owners need apply for bankrupcy relief. Ironically the AD becomes effective on my 70th birthday and I might not have cared that much anyway - well this is better.

Bob Axsom
Captain_John said:
Darwin, don't worry...

In a week he will be onto the Corvette engine thing or something else!

Awww...you guys are really gettin' to know me well! :D
RV6 Spartanburg said:
How do I know if my NEW TMX IO-360 built just 4 months ago is effected?
Gotta get your serial numbers, and cross check it with the list in the AD.
Brian Denk said:
I've been mighty lucky to have a solid crank, early 90's built 360......

Amen, to that!

I had an 0360-A4M in a previous airplane and felt it was as bullet proof as an engine can be. I bought it first run out of a Cherokee and at overhaul, the crank was still in new limits.

I don't want to start a firestorm.... but it may only be a matter of time for Superior and the other "cloners" to have their own problems..... take the plastic sump for one.

These companies are newcomers to the aircraft engine supply business and statistically, it is only a matter of time.

I would bet they use the same genre of vendors as Lycoming and my experience is that "problems are gonna happen". Inevitable.

Also, without the costs of "certification", companies like Superior are not on the same playing field with Lycoming. It is kind of unfair to Lycoming as they must answer to the FAA and the NTSB at every juncture of their business. Superior's price advantage is only a function time and luck. You can bet they are just holding their breath waiting to pay for the first fatality that results in a lawsuit in a Superior powered experimental.... whether their engine was the cause or not. Most likely, what really should irritate Lycoming is that they will get named as well because the cloners copied their engine.

IMHO you should buy your engine now because eventually the same pressures that force Lycoming to be so expensive will force the cloners as well.

does have a certified version of the XP-360 engine, it is called their Vantage series. Same engine, just has the paperwork. As far as their crankshafts, they are made from a ESR process developed by a German company called Thielert. Plus more lubrication and balancing, etc. see below.. or the web site for more info. http://www.xp-360.com

Proprietary Electro Slag Remelt (ESR) crankshaft
New materials, new processes and produced in Thielert?s new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, the ESR crankshafts eliminate many of the problems found in prior-generation crankshafts.

Unique balanced lubricating system
Balanced lubrication system ensures that both sides of the engine receive equal amounts of oil for reduced wear and longer component life.

Balanced connecting rods and pistons
Consistent precision machining, as well as matched weight sets, yields a statically and dynamically balanced reciprocating section, resulting in lower vibration and reduced wear.