Mr Charles

Well Known Member
I have a RV-4 built in 93, that I purchased 5 yrs ago...I was going to switch from a FP to CS prop, but after some investigation I think I might have a solid crankshaft :confused:. No data plate on engine...aircraft engine logbook has "A1A/A4J" penned in under "model", while dataplate on airplane has A3A stamped in model...
Lycoming 180 hp, has bendix fuel injection, inverted oil, and slick magnetos...however, right side had an electronic ignition self contained distributor that failed and no parts were available to fix, so bought a regular mag to replace...I have located some casting numbers and stamped number on case, and on accessory case...How can I determine if I have a hollow crank or solid, and how can I determine exactly what variant engine I have?
Thanks for the help!
A couple of thoughts -

A1A would be a hollow crank - okay for a CS prop. A4J would be a solid crank - no go for oil controlled prop.

Brian M has the engine codes listed at

You could pull the prop and take a look at the front of the crank - solid versus hollow crank (with a plug) would be easy to discern.

There will be some numbers stamped in the upper left case that, if you call Lycoming, could be used to tell you what the engine was when it left the factory. What they can't necessarily tell you is what changes might have taken place (ie., new crank).

No telling what crank is in there regardless of numbers. Just pull the prop & look. Then you'll know.
Second the motion!

What he said! Pull the prop. You'll know instantly. Mine is labeled as an engine with a solid crank, but inspection proved it to be hollow. Take a look!

I have a list of crank part numbers that have been compiled over many years. If you want to call and give me the number stamped on the flange I may be able to tell you what it came out of.

I have a list of crank part numbers that have been compiled over many years. If you want to call and give me the number stamped on the flange I may be able to tell you what it came out of.


Can't get to prop flange without removing harmonic balancer...guess I'll have to? Looked inside thru 4" spacer, and kinda looks solid...dished somewhat like a plug, but hard to see lines around circumference indicating a plug...guess I'm a little unsure as to what differences in appearance will be...Could someone elaborate more on this? I'll also try and post picture...
Also, in a paperwork search when I bought the plane, I turned up an affidavit of ownership that under "...engine installed" listed LYCOMING -IO 360 - SN L15774-36A
No letters after 360 to indicate model, but can I track serial number info somewhere?

You can call Lycoming direct and give them the engine s/n and they can tell you what the engine left the factory as and what year it left. If the inside of the pilot is dished with no seam from the plug then I would say it is the solid fixed pitch only.
