
Well Known Member
Just to let you know I am lurking.
Have been planning on buildig a RV9 for about a year and just ordered the empennage kit 9/21/2011. Also ordered most of the tools from Avery.
The shop is ready and I am lurking. Oh yes N68MW :D
Welcome Mark!

As you have probably discovered, there is a wealth of information on the forum. Good luck on your build.
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Welcome aboard! Get ready for a multi-year journey! Before you know it, you will be posting advice to newbies!
Welcome, Mark

Like you, I started lurking about 7 years ago and built a -6A, flew it for 5 years and sold it. Now flying a -10 and still lurking:D

Welcome Mark

I was were you are now just about a year ago. You're gonna have a ball. This is a great place to ask questions and get tips, and remember there are NO stupid questions :D


Thanks, I have already been lurking and have learned quite a bit as I am sure I will continue to. I am very excited about the coming experience.
To help you get a head start, I recommend that you go ahead and drill your left index finger with a #40 bit this afternoon, and follow that up by spilling at least half your rivets on the floor. Once you get those out of the way you'll be fine.

Remember to clean the blood off the aluminum after you finish bandaging the wound, blood is corrosive.
Welcome to the AR VEE NINER club!! You made a great choice in aircraft manufacturer...YOURSELF!:D
You will smile, laugh, cuss and cry but you will have a ball. Welcome to the best hobby on earth.
Better order your wings and fuse before too long. I finished the tail in 2 months and ended up waiting close to 3 before my wings showed up. Building is highly addicting (until you need fuel tanks), but now that they're out of the way we're stepping it up again.

Welcome, and enjoy the ride.
To help you get a head start, I recommend that you go ahead and drill your left index finger with a #40 bit this afternoon, and follow that up by spilling at least half your rivets on the floor. Once you get those out of the way you'll be fine.

Remember to clean the blood off the aluminum after you finish bandaging the wound, blood is corrosive.

Now that was funny. :D

Welcome Mark, great choice for your build. Do something in your shop everyday and you will stay motivated. Even if you just clean up or look at the plans for the next "project".
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Getting started

Thanks again guys.
I hope the emp shows before the weekend. I ordered it Wednesday last week. I also ordered a practice kit and book on a separate order so if the kit doesn't arrive maybe the practice kit will.
I have never driven a rivet so I will need something to work on to develop some skills. I also want to have something to prime to make sure my process works.
I am pretty obsessive about this kind of thing so I am sure 20-30 hours a week in the beginning won't be a problem. I will have a bigger problem pulling away to find time for the wife and flying.
I plan on ordering the wing kit next week as I would like to have it here for the holidays. I am sure I can have the emp finished by then.