
Well Known Member
If the dust storm goes away tomorrow I am planning on taking the wife to Brenham for lunch, she has never been there. Open invitation for anyone else who would like to join in! Planning on being on the ramp at 11:30.

FYI, Brenham was one of the featured places to fly in this months Pilot Getaways magazine....

See ya' there!
We'll try to meet you there, you guys all get up so early on Sunday, my sleep-in day, so we might be a bit late!
Will see if I can get a flight together and come by for lunch. The weather ought to be perfect.
What a Turn-out...of ALL types!

I must admit, I almost never go to Brenham on a Sunday....what with so many local types driving out after church, the diner can be full ten minutes after it opens! But today was so nice especially after yesterday - yuck!), I decided to make an exception, and was glad I did. When I was 30 miles out, the pattern already sounded full - and not just with RV's. I was glad I go there early and found a few RV friends already with a table - ten minutes later, the place was packed, and the ramp was full. There were numerous different types of homebuilts, Cessnas, Bonanzas, Mooneys...a couple of aircoupes....hey, the ramp looked like a mini Oshkosh! And I didn't blame anyone - it was a great day. When I was ready to leave, airplanes were still coming in, and within about a minute, there were seven planes in a conga line headed to 34 for departure - and the parking places we'd vacated were already filled!

With all the new towers that have sprung up in Texas in the past couple of years, I hope the FAA doesn't get wind of this place....Thanks to "hecilopter" for planting the seed for today!

Brenham was great today. Had to wait 30 minutes for a table, but no big deal. I flew down in a friend's Archer, and ran into Paul on the ramp. Also ran into an old friend from my Ercoupe days. You just never know who will turn up. :D