On July 19th I will be visiting my son in Lubbock TX. I was wondering if anyone could give me some direction on a good airport to land and find hanger space for that night?
On Sunday morning the 20th I need to fly to Oklahoma City and find an airport and hanger space for that week until the 25th.

I have never been in either of these areas, so any help you can give would be appreciated!

I have an RV7a unpainted and would like to put it in a hanger whereever I can get space.

Thank you in advance,

[email protected]
Town and Country Airpark

Coming home to CA after being in the Dallas area I landed at Town and Country Airpark for fuel. The FBO there was a family owned and operated affair and the people were very nice. After getting gas we were invited into the FBO where we were served lunch which consisted of BBQ'd cheeseburgers and chips along with a cold drink of our choice. (no charges for lunch) The burgers were right off the BBQ and pretty darned good. If they could get your plane in doors this is certainly the kind of facility we look for when traveling. You arrive a customer and leave a friend. My 2 cents.
From OK to CA I also stopped at Town and Country. I stayed in Lubbock for a few days visiting my family and had Paul do my annual. It was the cheapest fuel in the area and had very large hangars. I was able to park my plane inside for a few days. Paul even let me barrow his GPS unit for my trip to CA. I did not have one at the time. Nice place and excellent service.

Dav1111 is in Lubbock and a moderator on this site. Send him a note. I bet he will help you.
For OKC,I would chose Wiley Post, on the NW side of the city, or Norman's airport just south of downtown about 15 miles. It has easy access to I-35 N.
That is pretty much your only options unless you want to land at a grass airpark, if so I will help you get in contact with someone. Id like to meet you myself when you get to OKC.
ada, ok