
Well Known Member
I'm going to need an annual inspection in a couple of months on my ELSA RV-12.

Any recommendations on an A&P or LSRM familiar with RV-12 / Rotax in the DFW area?

And yes, I know I can go to the 2 day class and do my own. I just purchased the plane a couple of weeks ago and haven't had the chance to attend a weekend class.. Hoping there might be a class at Sun & Fun, but nothing posted about that yet..

Thanks in advance!

RV-12 #120566
Home Airport: 35TT
Craig McPherson is in Blum, at a private airport (fainting goat). He is excellent with Rotax engines. I went through the LSRM school with him in 2011. His number is 817-517-3283. He's a little busy at the moment trying to stay warm!
Craig McPherson is in Blum, at a private airport (fainting goat). He is excellent with Rotax engines. I went through the LSRM school with him in 2011. His number is 817-517-3283. He's a little busy at the moment trying to stay warm!

Thanks for the info.. I'll certainly keep the info, for if and when I need some Rotax work..

Joe - -
Were you able to attend at S 'n F, and how was the 2 day course?

Yes, I have my LSRI-A Certificate now. The class was okay. Nothing earth shattering, but just a required hoop to jump through for the FAA. It consisted of basically quick overviews of the various systems and things to look for during Condition Inspection. Info about logbook entries, Advisory Circular 43.13-1B, and FAR Part 43 - Appendix D was good info..

For me the best part of the class was listening to Jim Scott talk about issues he has seen during the last 20+ years that he has been working on LSA's and Rotax engines. It was also nice to pick his brain about things I have noticed or had questions about, concerning my airplane.

No desire to EVER go back to Apopka, FL.. That place is out of control, re: drugs, overdoses and crime. I checked in and out of three different motels in one night due to dirty rooms at one location, 2nd motel wanted to play bait and switch on the nightly rate and 3rd motel had someone overdose two doors down from me and had a major crime scene. It took me two hours to get through the crime scene, back to my room to collect my belongings and get out of there... I arrived on a Saturday night and couldn't find a decent room due to refusing to stay at motel #1, #2 or #3 and all the good places were booked up due to the Disney crowd and it being a Saturday night.. I ended up sleeping in my truck at Apopka airport the first night!
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