
Legacy Member
This came up in a discussion regarding LSA instructors.

If a pilot w/ a valid medical and PPL takes tail wheel instruction from an LSA instructor, in an LSA tail wheel aircraft (J-3, T-Craft, Champ, etc.) and receives the endorsement from the LSA instructor, can he/she then use that endorsement to fly a non-LSA tail wheel aircraft such as an RV?

I’m not asking about insurance requirements or anything else. I just want to know if the person receiving the TW endorsement is legal to fly a non-LSA tail wheel aircraft.

BTW, my tail wheel endrosement was done 15+ years ago in a J-3 so this could happen to someone today.

Is your instructor an LSA only instructor or is he a regular CFI who is teaching in an LSA?
Regardless of category

A tailwheel endorsement is a tailwheel endorsement is a tailwheel endorsement, etc.

Ok, is there a difference between a CFI and an LSA CFI. Way back when I used to be a CFI, it did not matter what it was as long as it was a Single engine land aircraft.:confused: