
I'm New Here
Don't mean to start a fight, but has anyone checked out the Rans S-19 at Sun-n-Fun? Compared to the RV-12? Thanks.
Do a "Search" here on the forums for S-19, and you will find a number of threads in the past couple of years that have discussed this, and can get you started.
I've enthusiastically watched the development of both. Obviously they are limited at the upper end by LSA limits. However, how close they get to that limit (both good and bad) is what I find interesting. There aren't any current performance specs on the newest RV-12, so we really don't have a good reference point for cruise speed. It obviously has the potential to be different from the POC due to the new wing. I'm hopefull we get a good honest cruise close to the LSA limits of 120 kts. Current PIREPS on the S-19 are around 110 kts. I believe.

The Rans IMHO has slightly nicer lines. It also has very cool adjustable seats. The new RV-12 looks better in RED than the original POC... but I think that our builders will come up with much better schemes as they reach that point.

One of the biggest differences is the empty weight. The Ran's S-19 is heavy. You are pretty much limited to either light passengers, no baggage... or doing the partial fuel juggle. Van's has kept the 12 light enough that you have great full-fuel capacity.

I am having trouble finding S-19 builders on line... so it is hard to estimate ease of build. We should have news on the RV-12 start to show up as builders unpack the boxes and start putting them together. I know that Van's has taken great care in both design and documentation to make this an easy to assemble product.

One of the top reasons I have Van's at the head of my list is this website, and the VAF community. In short order, you will see build reports and ongoing dialogue here between the RV-12 builders, just like you see with the 4/6/7/8/9/and 10. Have a question? Post it here... and wait a couple minutes. You'll probably get an answer from someone who has done it before. Frequently you'll get pictures! Unfortunately, the only thing similar that I have found for Ran's is the Matronics forums... which are horrible to try to use compared to this great website.

I'm hopeful that someone will write up a "head to head" comparative flight between the two birds. I hope to fly them both in June at the GoldenWest flying. Hopefully my garage is ready by then!

So... there is a tiny bit of my comparative thoughts on the two birds.