Bill Palmer

Well Known Member
Looks like my Lowrance Airmap 500 is now a brick at least temporarily; if not permanently:

Looks like all the Lowrance Airmap GPS's, including the 600C, 1000, and 2000C, are in the same boat.

I submitted an inquiry to LEI tech support for the latest status, but I have received no response to date.

Does anyone out there have more up-to-date information about the suspension of Lowrance Airmap database updates?


Bill Palmer :(
Looks like my Lowrance Airmap 500 is now a brick at least temporarily; if not permanently:

Looks like all the Lowrance Airmap GPS's, including the 600C, 1000, and 2000C, are in the same boat.

I submitted an inquiry to LEI tech support for the latest status, but I have received no response to date.

Does anyone out there have more up-to-date information about the suspension of Lowrance Airmap database updates?


Bill Palmer :(

It won't be surprising if this matter never reaches resolution since Lowrance is no longer in the aviation market. Hopefully I'm wrong about this but.....

I still fly and like my Airmap 1000 but realize it will be replaced with a different branded unit at some point (when the database gets too obsolete). Fortunately there are some great alternatives available.
There are similar threads on several other aviation boards. Obviously, those of us who are Lowrance owners are SOL the first time our aviation GPS hiccups or when the database gets sufficiently out of date. Honestly, the database isn't a big deal to me, as I flightplan with sectionals, follow my X/C progress on sectionals, etc. The GPS merely leads me to airports, and they don't move around much.

Lowrance walked away from the aviation product market over a year ago. They exited quietly, without giving any indication of their plans for future support. That's always a bad sign.

I had hoped that they would service their fielded products and customers for 3-5 years, but obviously they have written off this business and their good name.

That's gotta burn up the aviation folks at Lowrance, who had built a strong "second banana" position with their products, and had full support until the Lowrance family sold the business (or their remaining interest in the business) a couple of years ago.
Jepp updates

I stopped by the Jeppeson tent at Oshkosh this year to get an update for my Lowrance 2000c. I had tried previously to purchase an update via the internet, but I couldn't get the electrons to line up in a straight line and jump onto my SD card. Anyways, the Jeppeson guys told me that Lowrance no longer has updates available - couldn't give me any indication of future availability either.

I'm now the proud owner of a new Anywhere Map Duo.

For Sale - Lowrance 2000c. Works great database expired;)
Support still available

About a month ago I talked to Lowrance support about getting some parts. I was told they will not sell the parts I wanted, but for $200 I could send my unit in and they would repair whatever was wrong with it.

This doesn't help with the expired database issue but seems you can still keep the unit operational if you want.
Love my Lowrance 600C especially the display that shows the cross section through the airspace as I am based under a Class B. Really helps you visualize your climb out and decent in without breaking the Class B. I will continue to use it as long as it works and use my panel mounted GX65 (I know it is old but works great and easy to use) with an up to date database.

(Of coarse there is some of my saliva on Flash's panel when I show it at the Big Show)
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Bought a Quadra

I received a response from LEI tech support; it was the same as the website notice, word-for-word.

Gave up and bought a Quadra!

Thanks for the responses!

Bill :)
lowrance updates

I just spoke with Craig at Lowrance, according to what he said, they are just not going to make them any more, but they still will service them. They are getting out of the avaition market.:( However, he assured me that there will still be updates available, and that they will not be stranding anyone.:D This is good news to me because I have two 2000c's! He also told me to check the website for further updates as they become available.

sorry;:eek: it is the Lowrance site. Also found a good site for buying parts and stuff for all makes of GPS's: got a real good deal on a remote antenna for my unit.:D
Looking for Lowrance 2000c


I am looking to buy a used Airmap 2000c to use as a VFR GPS up in Maine. Anyone have a unit they want to offload?

I just checked the LEI Extras website and they now list a jeppesen database update. The price has gone up and it appears you can't download it now, they send you an SD card. There is a $10 shipping fee for that little bitty card according to LEI.
Maybe it's not the 28 day update, there are no dates listed.

I went to the above link and only found fishing updates, guess our 2000c are now for fishing...?

Great, I have a new panel cut, painted, and labeled just waiting to install after the beautiful fall flying weather. Maybe I shouldn't waste me time. The 2000C is to be installed in the panel in front of the pilot. I tried updating this summer and could not get it to work.
I went to the above link and only found fishing updates, guess our 2000c are now for fishing...?

I went to the link earlier today and found the America database update and the (other one - can't remember - international???). I ordered the America database for $49 + 10 shipping. Got a confirmation number - haven't checked to see if my credit card was charged yet. I just checked the same site and the aviation databases are not listed in the store anymore.:confused:

I went to the link earlier today and found the America database update and the (other one - can't remember - international???). I ordered the America database for $49 + 10 shipping. Got a confirmation number - haven't checked to see if my credit card was charged yet. I just checked the same site and the aviation databases are not listed in the store anymore.:confused:

Wow! :eek: I just checked again and they're gone! Only fishing maps and a cover, plus an external power cord for cig lighters. Time to get serious about getting a new GPS!
Got a confirmation number - haven't checked to see if my credit card was charged yet. I just checked the same site and the aviation databases are not listed in the store anymore.:confused:

Please keep us updated, I too am in need of the new database.

Got this message today...

Got this message today from LEI/Lowrance regarding the database update that I purchased online last week...

Your order number is in our system, but unfortunately the Jeppesen update is back ordered. It could be late October before we will get this into stock. Keep in mind, this is only an estimated time frame and it can change, depending on shipments. As soon as this part is received, we will automatically ship it to you.
If you wish to cancel this order, please do so by responding to this e-mail, as this will expedite the cancellation in our system. Please do not send a new e-mail to us.
***your card will not be charged until it is time to ship your item/s****

We do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you and do appreciate your patience.

Please feel free to contact us if we may be of further assistance.


LEI Extras
Division of Navico Inc.
Good News?

Yesterday, I submitted the following question to Lowrance Tech Support:

"How soon will you once more offer database updates for the Lowrance Airmap 500, 600C, 2000C, etc.? Thank You."

Today, I received the following response:

"Thank you for contacting us.

Please visit to purchase the database updates after 10.21.10.

Please feel free to contact us if we may be of further assistance.

Lowrance Customer Service
Division of Navico Inc."

Good News?

Bill Palmer :)

Bill, thanks for the info, I just got my order shipped, looks like they are up and running again. Mike Merkan RV4
Mike, I could not tell from the website. Do you order and get a card in the mail or is it downloaded using the JSUM process?

When you order the update from LEI, they send you a new SD card to install in your Lowrance. They do not ask for a return of the old SD card - wipe the memory and use the old one for your camera or MP3 player...

PIREP on the newly released LEI updates for Lowrance 2000c: I purchased mine several months ago - it was backordered and I had to wait for about 2 months to get it. I finally got it and installed in my 2000c. All data is already on the card - As soon as I turned the unit on, it was ready to fly. Airports, Terrain, and POIs are all where they are supposed to be!

Sure is great to see Lowrance/LEI providing updates for their GPS. I tried switching to an AnyWhere Map DUO last summer at OshKosh but the screen washed out in the sunlight - used it once and returned it. The 2000c is bright enough that I can see it in even the brightest sun!:cool:
Scott - quick question for you... How big is the card capacity that comes with the update? The reason I ask is because I'm running a 1GB card currently in my 2000c because I've got it loaded with topos that are necessary for flying in sparsely settled areas.

If I get the update on a card I'm wondering if I can then copy that update to my current 1GB card and keep my topos? I don't currently have terrain, so I have no idea how much space that takes up as well...

Any additional info you might be able to provide with respect to file sizes, free space, and "copyability" onto larger cards would be appreciated.
I should have mentioned that I've only ever done downloads of Lowrance updates and programmed them onto my own card, so this concept of updating via card swap is all new to me!
Scott - quick question for you... How big is the card capacity that comes with the update? The reason I ask is because I'm running a 1GB card currently in my 2000c because I've got it loaded with topos that are necessary for flying in sparsely settled areas.

If I get the update on a card I'm wondering if I can then copy that update to my current 1GB card and keep my topos? I don't currently have terrain, so I have no idea how much space that takes up as well...

Any additional info you might be able to provide with respect to file sizes, free space, and "copyability" onto larger cards would be appreciated.

Topo info is included on the SD card that I recieved. I don't know if it's a US Topo or North America Topo data file.

I won't be able to get to the airport until Friday to check the SD card capacity.
Bad Card

Got my update 2 weeks ago and the GPS will not read the new card. Got a replacement yesterday and will report back if the replacement is any better. Tech support recomended that I reboot by removing the card, pressing and holding the "Pages" button and them the power button. After reboot power down and install the card. I'll try the reboot on the first card if the replacement does not work.
I got my new sd card 2 day ago and it works great, sorry for not coming back sooner. I see the word is out, great I don't have to buy something else, Mike
No Terrain

My 2000c does not have Terrain so I had to delete that file from the update card to get it to load. Now loads and works fine. Just an FYI for us who did not get Terrain when you get the updates!
Thanks, Scott, for taking a crack at answering my questions. Still hoping somebody might be able to provide an idea on SD card size and the amount of free space on it as I doubt Lowrance would Canadian topo data on the cards they ship out. The 1GB card I currently have is big enough to hold almost all of "southern" Canada in topo, plus of course the required nav database.
SD Card Size

Thanks, Scott, for taking a crack at answering my questions. Still hoping somebody might be able to provide an idea on SD card size and the amount of free space on it as I doubt Lowrance would Canadian topo data on the cards they ship out. The 1GB card I currently have is big enough to hold almost all of "southern" Canada in topo, plus of course the required nav database.

I pulled my 2000C off it's RAM mount last Saturday and installed a 32GB IPad 3G, much easier to see with my old eyes! The terrain card that I purchased from LEI a few years ago is only 32mb. I believe at the time I got it there was an option for a 1Gb card for something like $99. What a ripoff!

Where is your iPad mounted? Can you post a pic of your iPad mount?



I pulled my 2000C off it's RAM mount last Saturday and installed a 32GB IPad 3G, much easier to see with my old eyes! The terrain card that I purchased from LEI a few years ago is only 32mb. I believe at the time I got it there was an option for a 1Gb card for something like $99. What a ripoff!
Card size and missing Luke SRA

I just received an update SD card in the mail.

The card is a 1GB SD card, but only has about 380MB of data on it, of which 310MB looks like terrain data. So that leaves 60% of the capacity free.

I have been very anxiously awaiting an update since early last year when Luke AFB had their "special rules area" turned on. Well, unfortunately, with the new update the Luke SRA does NOT appear to be depicted on the map. I have been through every map option and detail category there is to no avail.

Anybody know if I am missing something obvious before I go pursue their tech support?
BTW, I am using a Lowrance 1000.

Tim Coldenhoff
I have been very anxiously awaiting an update since early last year when Luke AFB had their "special rules area" turned on. Well, unfortunately, with the new update the Luke SRA does NOT appear to be depicted on the map. I have been through every map option and detail category there is to no avail.

The acronym may be SATR. Here is some info

When I get my new 430W update I will see if it shows up. Looks busy in that area.
Jeppesen updates for the AirMap 500, 600, 1000, & 2000c

Jeppesen updates for the AirMap 500, 600, 1000, & 2000c will only be available through July 2011.

If anyone is looking for a Lowrance database update, now is the time to do so.
Thanks Gary. I was planning on doing it soon since my home airport ID changed so I better do it ASAP.

Database update ordered.
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My update arrived 19 April. Put it in and checked to see if our airport ID changed from 00V to KFLY.

Odd. 00V is still there. Looks like KFLY may be there but there is a boxed X over it. Scroll in just the right place and I can see KFLY.

This morning I deleted all my flight planning routes that contain 00V and recheck. 00V is gone. KFLY is there with no X. Everything is fine.
Thanks, Tim, for confirming it's a 1GB card that ships with the Jepp update. I don't have terrain on my 2000c so if I bomb off the terrain files I'll still be able to get all my topo map data on the card. This is good. This is very good indeed!
I've been searching the Lowrance (LEI Extras) website and have found nothing other than fishing hotspot datacards. YUCK! Not sure but suspect this might come as a result of me being based in Canada.

Does anybody happen to know the part number for the aviation database update? Please, pretty please, will you share that info with me?
Most recent update from Lowrance in response to my e-mail directly from their LEI-Extras "contact us" web page:
We are no longer selling the jeppesen updates please contact

So I called their tech support 800-661-3983. Spoke to a courteous gentleman there who told me that last week the database update cards were yanked back from them last week and they are no longer selling them. So much for the "until July" statement!

I've since called Jeppesen (800-732-2800) and the initial response to my questions has been the equivalent of "huh - what's a lowrance?" Further consultation with the supervisor on duty resulted in a flat response that they have no ability to provide updates for the Lowrance GPS units. They acknowledge having received multiple calls for this product but have nothing to offer us.

As a result of this little foray I can say pretty much definitively that I've purchased my last Lowrance product.

The good news is the AvMap EKP-IV will fit the same real estate on my instrument panel. The bad news is that I'll have to do heavy modifications to make it work because I installed an Air Gizmo's dock. To say I'm frustrated right now would be making a polite understatement.
Last UpDate... Received

The update gods must have been looking over my shoulder. Ordered mine for my 2000C on 4/21 and got it on 5/6. My neighbor called and was also told they are no longer available.

So the questions is...can I make copies of the last update and not get my wrist slapped since apparently no one has any plans to provide the info.
So the questions is...can I make copies of the last update and not get my wrist slapped since apparently no one has any plans to provide the info.
I was just asking myself this same question b/c I didn't update in time (thought I had until July). Is it as simple as making copies of the drive? If it's legal and if anyone knows how to make copies, I'd be a paying customer and eternally grateful (at least until I have to upgrade GPS's!:rolleyes:)
The short answer is no.

You can copy the files, but the SD card's serial number is encrypted into files and they will not work on another card.

I have an idea to get current data for the Lowrance units, but won't have time to prove it out for a month or so. I'll post results here...
The update gods must have been looking over my shoulder. Ordered mine for my 2000C on 4/21 and got it on 5/6. My neighbor called and was also told they are no longer available.

So the questions is...can I make copies of the last update and not get my wrist slapped since apparently no one has any plans to provide the info.

Well, I called Jepp this morning and the update you just received is one of two senerios. Jepp does know of an online advertised version of Lowrance 2000c updates but the truth is... it's not a Jepp update. And, if Lowrance sold you an update, it's not from Jepp and it will not be up to date as Jepp states hands down they have not provided monthly updates to Lowrance in about a year. As stated, Jepp is aware of the bogus software and is trying to to a stop to it. This is also why Lowrance removed the update from their site...
If it is the case that Lowrance updates were in fact bogus, non-Jepp updates, then leads me to the next logical question... How do we convince Jepp to make updates for our GPS units? If anybody has good contacts at Jepp to whom we can plead our case, please share the info and let's make some loud but polite clamouring at Jepp's door!
If it is the case that Lowrance updates were in fact bogus, non-Jepp updates, then leads me to the next logical question... How do we convince Jepp to make updates for our GPS units? If anybody has good contacts at Jepp to whom we can plead our case, please share the info and let's make some loud but polite clamouring at Jepp's door!

I begged and pleaded with Jepp this morning... No Joy! They stated since Lowrance was not in the Aviation Biz anymore that the relationship was over.
The Lowrance 500 update I got recently (19 April) has a cheapie label on the SD card that states


I am fairly certain I ordered it off the Lowrance website last month.
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Same as Ron,

Ordered in April 2011
Lowrance 2000 C

Americas 95-27

Copyright 2003 Jeppesen Sanderson INC
Jeppesen Americas
2/9/2011 thru 3/9/2011

Works fine and dont know if you can use a card reader or not.
Mine arrived today. The label on the inside envlope was dated 5/2/2011
item 000-0095-27 jeppesen americas sin
made in mexico!