
Well Known Member
I have the Lowrance 2000c with terrain. I thought that the terrain mode also shows obstructions (towers, etc.), but mine doesn't unless I missed something in the directions. Where is the obstruction data? Did I miss an upgrade or a download? any info would be appreciated. take care.
I been using the Lowrance 2000C with terrain and only see towers and obstructions when zoom in on a 10 mile or smaller scale. Also the Terrain Page has more obstruction detail. I did update the software from Lowrance to I believe 1.7.

The 2000 wont show any obstructions higher than you, unless you're moving faster than xx mph. At least mine doesn't. Starts working on take off roll.
Lowrance 2000

I have to agree with "SQUEAK". The 2000c will show towers when you're on a lower scale. If you put the unit on the compass heading page it goes in to an autozoom mode (could be hundreds of miles shown).
The terrain obstructions (mountains - higher elevations, etc.) will be shown in color ranging from yellow to red if it's in your flight path. Towers won't show up unless you zoom in to a lower range.
If you're on a cross country or in an unfamiliar area and you see a tower ahead, you can zoom in to the 8 or 10 mile scale and it will show the tower's msl height.
Lowrance has plans to add weather capability to the 2000c in the near future. They're working on it and it will either be a software upgrade, if they can make it work, or they will do another big rebate program to trade your current unit in on a new version, if that's what it takes.
I bought my 2000c for $465 during the trade-in program from the old Airmap units so it was a much better deal than spending thousands on a Garmin just to get satellite weather - but it will be a nicer unit if they can add that feature. Meanwhile I have a couple friends with Garmin 396's that can keep us informed of the weather ahead. :D

Squeak, Mannan, and Mike. thanks for the info. I'll go spend some more time with my 2000c. Good excuse to go flying and check it out.