Jim P

Well Known Member
I'm temp assembling the tail group on the fuselage one last time so I can fit the rudder cables and tailwheel springs before going to the airport. After I hung the rudder, I noticed that my lower rudder fairing hangs down about .250" too far and impacts the tailwheel spring while on the ground.

Anyone else have this issue? I'm thinking I must build up the glass in the bottom of the fairing, then sand down the exterior as much as needed.

This is fairly common. Just cut off the top of the fairing and refit it.
Be sure to leave plenty of clearance. Remember the tail spring flexes upward.
Reverse the Springs

I used Tail Lynx and reversed the springs, ie, springs on tailwheel side(back) not on rudder side. This worked on my 6. Not sure if this works with standard springs or not, or on a 7, but there is no functional difference with the Tail Lynx product.
This would save you from having to redo the rudder bottom, but that is not that big of a job as Mel suggests.
It's best to wait on the bottom rudder fairing until you fit the empennage to the fuselage. Like Mel said, it's a common problem. I had mine all together and found it was too low. It's easy enough to remove it and shorten it up.

Thanks Roberta. That's the problem right now. Emp. is on the fuselage, which is setting on the gear. Hindsight's 20/20 (we learn once again).

If you look at the fairing, there are little 'scribe lines' on there for cutting the fairing down. Look carefully -- it's there. Cut it to that line and you should be fine.
I had trimmed my rudder fairing to the trim line and when the fairing was installed it matched the lower fuselage nicely. When I put the tailspring in I had the same interference issue that you had. I went through this a couple weeks back. I didn't like the look of having the front of the rudder bottom higher than the back fuselage skin. What I ultimately did was change the radius of the bottom to leading transition to obtain the clearance. I sliced the bottom of the fairing about 3" aft of the leading edge at an angle and cut about an inch up the leading edge. You have to remove enough material so you can do a new layup. I used a balloon in the hole as a form and did a couple pieces of fiberglass layup. The next day I added several layers on the inside for strength. The shape came out good, and only needs some minor sanding and filling. Your method would also work. There was a thread not too long ago, but I can't find it now.

Reversal Not recommended

I used Tail Lynx and reversed the springs, ie, springs on tailwheel side(back) not on rudder side. This worked on my 6. Not sure if this works with standard springs or not, or on a 7, but there is no functional difference with the Tail Lynx product.
This would save you from having to redo the rudder bottom, but that is not that big of a job as Mel suggests.
