
I'm New Here
I mainly wanted to post to say thanks to all of those who spend time and effort post both problems and solutions.

I bought a beautiful 6A two years ago from one of the Lakeland RV crew. Since then I have been pretty much a VAF voyeur, using the info to get educated on my bird. I now have two successful condition inspections and several other maintenance projects under my belt (with A&P guidance of course). VAF is truly an amazing resource!

I finally may have something to add that could prove useful to others. Here are the details-

I would get low pressure alarms on my GRT EIS, particularly when climbing, and more so on warm days. I tried zeroing the offset value in the EIS (was reading -0.7) which helped some but did not solve the issue.

During my most recent condition inspection, I pursued a hint the original owner of my plane had shared - that was the membrane in the reference side of the pressure sender does not allow rapid enough transfer of pressure. I contacted GRT and purchased a new sender that they modified (at my request) by putting a very small puncture in the membrane to allow more rapid adjustment to pressure changes.

I have ~20 hrs since then and no more alarms, pressure never seems to get below 3 psi or so. From reading threads, I realize there can be many issues causing LP alarms, but maybe this will help someone-

Mike Leger
Good find Mike, maybe they will do that on all senders now ? I have a dynon system, and it does the same sometimes.