
Well Known Member
I purchased the low drag nav antenna from Van's. It says to start the antenna at the tip where the wingtip meets the wing and bring it around the corner keeping is horizontal. However, I have wingtip corner lights that prevent this. Has anybody installed this type of antenna with the wingtip corner lights? If so, where did you put it and how does it work? Thanks, Tom
I used this nav antenna in mine with the old style wingtips; corner lights shouldn't be an issue. I ran the antenna coax out along the spar, so the antenna doesn't really need to go forward towards the leading edge and lights at all. I used epoxy to bond the foil in place starting at mid-chord and then just bent it back as it goes further out into the tip. Easy installation and works great! Cheap, too.
Nav antenna

Do you have strobe lights? I have heard that this is a problem with antennain wing tip.
You have to shift the antenna a little to fit. I don't remember how I did it. I am still searching through my photos. Here is a photo of the marker beacon antenna. (search through my photos and no, I did not take a picture of the Nav antenna installation.)

I have strobe lights in wing tips. I run all my wires (antenna, strobe and nav lights, autopilot servo, landing and taxi lights, heated pitot) throught the same conduit. I never had any interference problems. The reception is very good. I have no problem receiving VOR/ILS signals. Only problem I had so far is to receive the ATIS that is over the VOR frequency. At KLOU (terminal VOR) I could receive the VOR 30 nm out but ATIS only 15-20 nm out and not clear. On field if the antenna is block by the fuselage, I could not hear the ATIS although the VOR signal is still okay.
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