Darren Kerns

Well Known Member
I was flying my RV8 the other night and my #3 cylinder was indicating it was cold. I have the Vision Microsystem Engine Monitoring System. Anyway, I done a check on it while in the air and my EGT was showing around 1439. My #3 cylinder always runs the hottest. However, my CHT was showing 50. I took the cowl off after I landed and I found CHT probe had backed itself out about 3 threads. I could not believe it. I took it completely out, cleaned it up and looked for damage and there appeared to be none. When I was re-inserting it, it seemed to bog down like I had cross-threaded it. I finally got it in but 1 thread is still showing on the bottom side. I hope to God I have not cross-threaded into the cylinder. I tested it with a lighter and it seemed to be working fine. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Darren Kerns
RV8 N214TK
Darren Kerns said:
I was flying my RV8 the other night and my #3 cylinder was indicating it was cold. I have the Vision Microsystem Engine Monitoring System. Anyway, I done a check on it while in the air and my EGT was showing around 1439. My #3 cylinder always runs the hottest. However, my CHT was showing 50. I took the cowl off after I landed and I found CHT probe had backed itself out about 3 threads. I could not believe it. I took it completely out, cleaned it up and looked for damage and there appeared to be none. When I was re-inserting it, it seemed to bog down like I had cross-threaded it. I finally got it in but 1 thread is still showing on the bottom side. I hope to God I have not cross-threaded into the cylinder. I tested it with a lighter and it seemed to be working fine. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Darren Kerns
RV8 N214TK
You concerned about the threads or the instrument measurement? To check the instrument, switch it with another and see if it's the instrument or the cylinder. Re. the threads, get a thread tap and a spray can of penetrating oil. Shoot some oil up into the cavity then carefully chase the threads to make sure trash hasn't worked its way down into the threads.
Low CHT Probe (Update)

I flew my 8 last night and everthing worked great. Temperatures were running good across all cyliners. Anyway, I feel relieved.

Darren Kerns
RV8 N214TK