
Well Known Member
We lost our right brake while turning on to the runway for takeoff. Spun around a couple of times and got it stopped. Saw fluid leaking out of failed brake. After the 1/2 mile walk/pull back to the apron we pulled the fairing and saw the puck fully extended. Got a ride back to home base from a friend and packed the car to fix the problem. Pads were extremely thin and I believe that coupled with the original brake rotors allowed the puck to extend past the seal.

Thinking we need to replace out brake rotors as well and am looking for suggestions of Rapco vs Cleveland. Price for the Cleveland is X2.

Thoughts ?
Rapco is fine, you might also look into APS Black Steel, but I don't know the price point.

+1 Rapco. Of course I am just giving blind advice via the internet so take it for what you paid for it but unless there was a lot of metal scraping it is hard to imagine there was enough damage to need to replace the rotors.
Very, very glad you did not get airborne!
Recently lost a tire on landing and with full brake on the opposite side plus some crosswind help was able to keep it on the runway. Had to be towed back to hangar.
Suspect with one brake you would have had an interesting time on landing.
I change my pads at every CI. I fly almost 200 hours a year. Rarely have I used 1/2 the pads. I use the Matco reline service. $35. Cheap insurance. No desire to get stuck in the far off places I fly.
I had this happen on the RV7A when the pads got thin, and this was on relatively new rotors. It pays to replace the linings before they wear down that far. In my case I lost the left brake when pulling away from the gas pump and I thought I needed to use that brake to avoid hitting the pump. Fortunately I shut down fast enough that I avoided the collision but it was a very tense moment.
I have read reports here on VAF of brake pistons that were installed backwards, e.g., their O rings became exposed with only a relatively small extension. You might check yours.
I replaced worn Cleveland rotors with thicker Rapco rotors (RA164-09900). Better braking and less fade. Requires longer calliper bolts and a 1/8” shim for each calliper.

Fin A
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I used Rapco works good last long time.
When reinstalling the brake pucks be sure they go back in like this. O-ring side goes in first.

My 2 cents after running my 1st set of pads down to nothing, is to change the o rings also. A couple bucks while you are in there.

I also try to carry spares on any long trips, takes up zero space in the plane.
Lost brake on my Tiger

(many) years ago. The tower had a good laugh, at my expense, as I did multiple 360s and 180s getting back to the ramp!

Thanks for the advice guys. New Rapco rotors arrive Thursday. We have vowed to never let the pads get as low as they were.
Thanks again.
Brake lining wear inicators

The brake linings have wear limit indicators you can see without disassembling. With the wheel pants removed just use a good light to look at the pads. The wear indicator is a notch on each end of the pad. If you will replace the linings when you can no longer see any notch, your caliper pistons will not come out far enough to leak and you will not score the rotor with the brake lining rivet heads. I know the rivets are brass and should not score a steel rotor but Murphy being the one making the laws says the expensive part can get damaged by the cheap one.
Keep wondering about the flight hours relation to the wear of such items :confused:

Flight hours should really have little to do with brake parts and tire wear. I keep track of landings, the sole reason being to track brake and tire wear.
If you fly a 4 hour flight and make one landing, that is much less wear-wise than what I am seeing in my normal 4 hours of flying - typically about 10 landings. In 2020 I flew my RV4 100.4 hours and had 263 landings. It’s going to seem like I didn’t get very many hours out of a set of tires or brakes, but probably not too bad comparatively.
I used Rapco works good last long time.
When reinstalling the brake pucks be sure they go back in like this. O-ring side goes in first.

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YES... Also look for the "This Side OUT" engraving on the puck!!!!

I change my brake pads on EVERY condition inspection...
Change the O-rings whenever I change the tires....

You won't regret it... Don't wait until you see the red puddle by the wheel. Remember: You'll never hear the wear indicators like you would on your car.