pierre smith

Well Known Member
Hi guys/gals
Last fall, after 46 seasons of ag work and never flunking a medical, both kidneys quit and I squeaked by the undertaker.

I told the FAA that I was taking dialysis three times a week but no dice, not even a compromise where I could fly on Mon, wed. And Fridays....days that I don?t have dialysis. So far, no dice.

Strangely, kidney stones are disqualifying but I?ve never had those, just a total loss of kidney function.

Do any of you have any experience/suggestions?

So sorry to hear about your med loss. I'm not a doctor but loss of all kidney function does not seem to be either fun or something that you would want to be flying with. Good luck as things progress and I hope you get better, enough that the feds can let you fly again.

My suggestion would be to find a good doctor and do what he says.
Hi guys/gals
Last fall, after 46 seasons of ag work and never flunking a medical, both kidneys quit and I squeaked by the undertaker.

I told the FAA that I was taking dialysis three times a week but no dice, not even a compromise where I could fly on Mon, wed. And Fridays....days that I don’t have dialysis. So far, no dice.

Strangely, kidney stones are disqualifying but I’ve never had those, just a total loss of kidney function.

Do any of you have any experience/suggestions?


You didn't mention if you tried to get your medical and were denied by the FAA. Is that the case?

In my case for example a couple of years ago I knew I wasn't going to pass (blood pressure inexplicably shot through the roof) so I just let my current medical lapse, but didn't try to renew it. After some medicine adjustments and some good "lawyering" I eventually got it back. Not exactly your case but I ask because I'm sure you know that you might not be able to fly AG anymore but you might be able to still fly under Sport Pilot Regs with just your driver's license.
im not a doctor or even play one on tv so, this is worth what you pay for it. dr bruce is the man, also dr lou fowler in PNS is also top notch, both can be reached on pilotsofamerica.com
however, i did go through kidney failure about 7 years ago. I currently hold a class one medical w/o any SI's.

first thing do what you need to get healthy.

as to a medical, it depends on what the diagnostic codes that they assigned to your case and what your treatment is. if you are still on dialysis it is my understanding that a medical can be issued but it is an oklahoma city decision. IE lots of paperwork. if have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, then there is a protocol for that the AME will follow. lucky for me, mine was diagnosed as acute nephritis due to allergic reaction to a NSAID's. my kidneys came back on line, so after 3 months and good lab work my AME was able to issue.

good luck, im pulling for a good recovery for you. after you get healthy again, get the advise of a good senior AME before submitting anything. as previously stated dr bruce and dr lou are the two best.
Pierre----I am saddened to hear of your medical situation. You were one of the first of the VAF members that took a chance on an unknown guy and allowed me to build hoses for your RV10. You were one of those instrumental in getting TS Flightlines off the ground and into the mainstream. I will forever be grateful.

Certainly one of our member DRs can come up with something for you.

Oh Pierre, I am so sorry to hear.

I have a friend who has had a couple of kidney stones, and he flew with a special issuance that required a 6-month test interval for quite a while. After a number of years of no more stones, he has a standard Class 2 again without SI.

Hope you find a path back to flight.
Pierre, sorry to hear this------but sure glad you "squeaked by the undertaker"

Best of luck to you, prayers for you.

Have you talked to AOPA?
Check out drtomfaulknerame.com
Comes highly recommended by myself and my peers in the Atlanta area...
I've heard a lot of good things about Dr. Bruce Chien: http://www.aeromedicaldoc.com/

He used to work at the FAA and knows all the ins and outs of their medical system. It might be worth consulting with him.
I have only heard great things about Dr. B, especially when it comes to very difficult FAA medical issues. Contact him and if there is anything that can be done he can get you through it.

Good luck and I hope you get a positive and quick resolution.

Hi Pierre, Let me bounce something off you, and I mean absolutely no disrespect by saying this. But do you think maybe it could be from being around all those poisons all the time??
Sorry for the news

Hi Pierre,

Like others, you were one of the first frequent posters her on VAF when I got involved in the RV world almost 20 years ago.

It is something we always dread, the potential loss of a medical. I'm hoping you can regain the medical, if for nothing else, fun flying!!

Hang in there, be positive and keep us posted.
Hi guys/gals
Last fall, after 46 seasons of ag work and never flunking a medical, both kidneys quit and I squeaked by the undertaker.

I told the FAA that I was taking dialysis three times a week but no dice, not even a compromise where I could fly on Mon, wed. And Fridays....days that I don?t have dialysis. So far, no dice.

Strangely, kidney stones are disqualifying but I?ve never had those, just a total loss of kidney function.

Do any of you have any experience/suggestions?

If you want the best people possible in your corner contact these guys. They're not cheap, and there are not guarantees, but IMO working with them will give you your absolute best chance of getting your medical certificate back, if it's possible. Check them out.
Join the club

I too have lost my medical. But I didn?t use it to make my living. I switched to basic med but I don?t think that would work for commercial operations.
This a tough road to go down. Godspeed
Pierre, congrats on a good long flying career in a challenging AG environment. a similar thing happened to a local guy at HAO. it's a tough one. I have always enjoyed your posts. a thoughtful class guy.
Thanks to you!

Pierre, I flew to an RV fly in on Jekyll Island that you organized some 11 years ago. I was lucky enough to meet you and you personally took time to show me all the different models along with your 10. I fell in love with the 8 that day! I?ll never forget your kindness and you should know how instrumental you were in motivating me along on my journey! Thoughts and prayers for a good outcome for your flying and your health!?
Pierre, I always enjoy your ideas and posts. I'm really glad you "squeaked by the undertaker" and you are doing all right presently, even if it means treatments for now. Like other guys, I am hoping you find a good health program that gives you wellness above all else.

As a fellow pilot, I also know you are looking to fix the problem. All good. Fly the aircraft, silence the warning, confirm the emergency. Looks like you handled the recall items and are alive and kicking. As far as suggestions go, I only know this road by friends who have traveled it, second hand at best. So take what I say as just helpful ideas. There apparently is a new medical review board working with the FAA now and some cases have required unexpected extra downline analysis and monitoring time before granting the waiver for a new Class 1. New Sheriff in town so to speak. This might place extra emphasis on consulting with doctors who are current in FAA cases of medical waivers vs simply having managed return to work medical issues in the past.

What other guys said about there being a difference between a lapsed medical and a denied medical is of course right on, and you already probably know that. All the best Pierre, with your treatment and wellness recovery!
Hi guys/gals
Last fall, after 46 seasons of ag work and never flunking a medical, both kidneys quit and I squeaked by the undertaker.

I told the FAA that I was taking dialysis three times a week but no dice, not even a compromise where I could fly on Mon, wed. And Fridays....days that I don?t have dialysis. So far, no dice.

Strangely, kidney stones are disqualifying but I?ve never had those, just a total loss of kidney function.

Do any of you have any experience/suggestions?


I have been in touch with bruce.
please let me know your email address and he will get back to you.
I tried you PM but it is full.