
Well Known Member
Here is the short version of a story with a happy ending that will have some effect on most people here in one way or another. The relavance to the forum will be obvious in several ways. It is definatly about the wonders and the pitfalls of the internet.

The day before I was to load up and leave for the black hills flyin in Hot Springs SD. I recieved a very personal PM on this web site from a 22 year old girl looking for answers and her real father. She was looking for the basics to begin with like did I know her mother at X time, and could I be the person she was looking for. Now I have been happily married for 20 years so this kind of information is pretty scary stuff. I told her that I had known her mother and was very interested in the rest of her story but I needed more information from her. I told her that I would be gone for a few days and I would respond to her when I got back. I went to the flyin and had a good time but my mind was in other places the whole weekend. When I got home I had another PM with the information I was looking for. By now I had had time to think about time frames and if this could even be possible. I used my log book to help jog my 23 year memory lapse. I couldnt believe it but it was not only possible but probable. She told me she would be ok with DNA testing if I wanted. Then I saw her picture as you will (No DNA required!).

Now everybody pay close attention. She googled my name and came up with this website. She simply made herself a member and the rest is History. For some this might be a horror story but I think this would have been a tragedy if she hadnt been so crafty and done this. She said she probably would have never called for fear of catching me off guard and creating major problems. By getting the PM I was able to figure this out in my own time with a little less pressure.

Happy ending. I just wrapped up a week with the new found love of my life. I dont know why her mother never told me and that part really hurts. But if you could come close to squeezing in 22 years in a week we have done it. She loves the RV4. She is very adventurous loves the rolls and other manuvers and keeps asking for more. We may have a future flyer in the family. My wife and son adore her and we will all have many adventures in the future. Her finding me is one of the biggest blessings I have ever had in my life and I couldnt feel more fortunate.

Now if I did this correctly I should have 3 pics. Forgive me and give me guidence if im wrong. One of Aspyn and I in SNY with the RV4. One of Aspyn and I with our comanche in COS. And one with My wife Maureen, Aspyn, Me and son Nolan.




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..I just wrapped up a week with the new found love of my life...
Wow! Having a child is always a huge thing but there is lots of preparation and when they come they come in a very basic form.

To find you have a child, all of a sudden, and they are already a fully developed person? This must have really been something.
It's a girl

and you didn't have to change a single diaper.

In a way I'm sure you aren't happy at missing the early years but it is a good to hear all has worked out for the best.

Your wife must be a wonderful person!
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Another feel good story that got me choked up. I'm happy for you and your new daughter.

Life throws some curve all at us, that is for sure. You should be commended for allowing your new found daughter into your life, your wife should be elevated to saint hood status! Christmas for her better be good this year! Your son has to be estatic! He goes from being an only child to having a big sister that can drive!

Very cool story!
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I quite enjoyed the time that I spent out in Colorado. I already am compleatly in love with the whole family. I can not wait for another visit!!! If you didn't catch it, my name is Aspyn and I am Ryans daughter. :)
I quite enjoyed the time that I spent out in Colorado. I already am compleatly in love with the whole family. I can not wait for another visit!!! If you didn't catch it, my name is Aspyn and I am Ryans daughter. :)


WOW! What a cool story to be told. You guys should go on Oprah! :eek:
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Congrats Aspyn and Ryan. WOW! Sounds like VAF front page news.
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I've got five kids of my own & 10 grand children. I like happy ending....real life stories like this. Thanks for sharing!



WOW! What a cool story to be told. You guys should go on Oprah! :eek:

Lets not get carried away now!! No talk shows please.

To those of you who think my wifes a saint. Well she might be close she is a fantastic woman who could'nt be replaced. This could not have happened without her support. I love her dearly. Just to be clear this happened before I knew her.
This is the highlight of my weekend, Ryan.

I'm speechless...and choked up to be honest. Can't put into words how completely happy I am for you.

I'm sending that girl a VAF baseball cap <g>

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Here is the short version of a story with a happy ending that will have some effect on most people here in one way or another. The relavance to the forum will be obvious in several ways. It is definatly about the wonders and the pitfalls of the internet.
The day before I was to load up and leave for the black hills flyin in Hot Springs SD. I recieved a very personal PM on this web site from a 22 year old girl looking for answers and her real father. She was looking for the basics to begin with like did I know her mother at X time, and could I be the person she was looking for. Now I have been happily married for 20 years so this kind of information is pretty scary stuff. I told her that I had known her mother and was very interested in the rest of her story but I needed more information from her.=


This has to be one of if not the most coolest things I've seen here to date. I love how you made it RV friendly by including the flight in the -4. Congratulations! You should be very proud of her. I'm sure it was tough for her not knowing the reaction she would receive from you. Sounds like she got a good reception. I truly enjoy happy endings.
My second "lump in the throat" moment in 3 days on VAF! What a wonderful story. Thanks Ryan and Aspyn for sharing.
This computer stuff is sometimes a bit of a struggle for me. Obviously I wanted the picture with the 4 in there as well. I will try again. Hope I got it right.
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Maybe it's time to talk to my dad for the first time in 7 years... Who knows, maybe he did something crazy and built a -4 since I last talked to him lol.
I'm off to Afghan in the spring so I probably should since I also haven't seen my sisters in the same length of time.
Sounds like our interests are similar. This is my chance to say thank you for serving and looking out for all of us here at home. My hat is off to you and yours for what you sacrifice for all of us.
Thank you!!!!
Tell Us More!!

I quite enjoyed the time that I spent out in Colorado. I already am compleatly in love with the whole family. I can not wait for another visit!!! If you didn't catch it, my name is Aspyn and I am Ryans daughter. :)

Aspyn and Ryan,

Wow! What a story! Now that Aspyn is an official hat owning VAF member, she will need to stay connected with all of her new VAF family, too!
My best wishes for the future!
This computer stuff is sometimes a bit of a struggle for me. Obviously I wanted the picture with the 4 in there as well. I will try again. Hope I got it right.

Ryan, If you were any more proud of your "new daughter" your buttons would pop right off. You are right, no DNA test needed there!
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What a touching story.....

No fair making me tear up at 5:48 AM here in Southern California. Ryan, you're a lucky man in all aspects. Both of you are blessed.
What a story!!

Thanks for sharing. This is very touching. I am sure you have been blessed.
Just a little more

First I want to say thanks to all of you for your kind words. This has been quite an emotional ride for all of our family and of course Aspyns over the last 2 months. This may not have happened without this website and I must say that thought haunts me. Special thanks to Doug of course and everyone who supports this site in one way or another. I of course will be visiting the Donation box today.

Just a little more to the story: Aspyn and I got to share several evenings alone after everyone else was spent and had gone to bed. We discused things on a personal level that I dont think most fathers would dare talk about with someone they had been with their whole life. We are probably tighter now then we could have been if we had known each other for 22 years. Of course now my hope is that when she finishes school she will want to live closer. That would truely be a beautiful thing.

A couple of other things I failed to mention. The extended family on both my wifes side and my side are all very accepting of the news. She has an older brother who is very excited to meet her but was unfortunatly at work in the oilfields durring our visit. As soon as we can schedule things with all of our busy lives we will make it happen.
Congratulations Ryan and Aspyn!

While a lot of folks are thinking this is a happy ending, I am hoping and praying for you guys that this is a happy beginning!!:):):)

May you love and enjoy each other for the rest of your lives.

And Ryan, I agree, don't bother with the DNA testing. Course Aspyn wears the cromosomes much better!:p

You have a lovely daughter!
Ryan and Aspyn, Family is what life is all about, I'm glad you are together in life and aviation! Great post.:)

Jim Fogarty
RV9a Builder MN
Wow! I didn't realize just how "extended" this RV family is. Very cool, and congratulations all around.

Bob Kelly
Ryan, what a wonderful story! And Aspyn, I just want to say HI from a fellow VAF'er. Isn't the RV4 great?(!)

Life is such a special thing - a special creation - and to hear about how this unfolded is truly uplifting. Hope to meet y'all some day soon!!
Yes the RV4 is AMAZING! I actually got to fly it for a bit, all of this plane stuff is quite addictive :)
Yes the RV4 is AMAZING! I actually got to fly it for a bit, all of this plane stuff is quite addictive :)


Careful! You might become a wing nut yourself.

Also, be careful of this board. There are plenty of single young guys with planes looking for a nice young lady who enjoys flying as much as they do.
This really is amazing, i saw the thread title earlier today and thought there must be some metaphor, no, it means exactly what it says.

congratulations Ryan for your new found daughter, and good for you Aspyn, to track him down and have the courage to initiate contact.


Add me to the list of all those with watery eyes. That is such a great story, and I agree... it's a happy beginning!
LIke everybody said ...

... one of the most heartwarming stories I've ever read. Yep ... brings tears to my eyes too. and to think it all happened in - or because of - the VAF family. Wow. Congrats to Aspyn, Ryan, Maureen, and the whole family! :D:D
Quite a story!

Wow! Congrats on your new daughter. That's a story that definitely got me choked up. Your wife is a very special person to be so supportive and I am really happy your daughter found her daddy! I think girls always need to know they are "daddy's little girl." Way to go guys! A happy story with a happy ending. Hmmm, shes old enough to earn a private pilot's license. How about a birthday present from dad:D?
Wow, what a story!! Just incredible!! Hats off to Aspyn for having the nerve to seek you out, hats off to you for having an open heart to receive her, and hats off to the rest of your family for being so receptive and caring!

What a wonderful blessing to receive at this time of year! Congratulations!!:)
Yes the RV4 is AMAZING! I actually got to fly it for a bit, all of this plane stuff is quite addictive :)

Dont let her kid you. She flew from take off at CO12 to SNY and return with simple instructions. And she has never been in a small plane before. (The force is strong with this one) She and I had a great time.
Welcome To The VAF Family Too.........

you are part of a great new family here. we are all so happy for you and your family. did you know that you can check out the RV hotel link on this site and travel the world and stay with people from this site. i have been too california and back using the info. Family, friends, traveling, flying, wow, WELCOME ABOARD. Turbo:)
Note to Aspyn

You realize young lady that all the people here are going to want you to keep us updated as to your progress in a: getting your license, b: getting your own RV.. Need I go on?

I do have one question though: Aspyn what does your birth mother think of all this?
My Mom

My mother is very happy for me! She knows that this means a lot to me. And as far as the planes, I will have to have some serious dedication to keep it up. I might just have to move a little closer to my dad in order to keep things up.