Tom Navar

Well Known Member
For those contemplating attending this years LOA, and if you are interested in mysterious airplane graveyards, Check out lost and select Fabens, Texas. The identifier is E35. It is a great little airport; home of Olivas Aviation, just East of El Paso. Aircraft such as P-51's, Me- 109's, and other exotics have been built there from the ground up. If you fuel up, you can take the courtesy car into town for a great Mexican food experience, or to visit the airplane graveyard there. It is an experience worth exploring.
Tom Navar
Neat tip Tom - thanks! We might have to check it out this year.

Here's hoping that we'll see you at LOE, even if the -8 project is gone, you're still part of this community! Louise mentioned you the other day as we were building her tool-box project. We remembered you talking about those at Big Bend in February - it really was a great introduction to metalwork for her.

Paul: If you see the lost destinations site you will note that the "weird" coefficient is certainly high. The pictures of the aircraft, however, are very interesting.
I just returned from a week-long session with Steve (gentleman) Wolf for aerobatics up in Oregon, and pegged my fun meter to the max... The RV-8 project, however, is not gone.
My regards to the lady.