
Well Known Member

Do any of you have a better source for the Lord dynafocal mounts than Van's or Spruce (part number J-9613-40 or J-9613-49). It bugs me that a few pieces of rubber and washers are going to cost $500.

I recall a while back that Mike B. found his at Aircraft Supply for $96 each. Still not cheap, but a nice savings. They have since gone up to almost $200 per pair there.

Any suggestions?
I had the same reservations when looking for mine. After an exhaustive search, Vans turned out to be about the cheapest. And I knew I was getting the right ones. Yes, they really are $500. And no, you really won't miss the money or think about the mounts once your airplane flies!
If you think that hurts ...


Do any of you have a better source for the Lord dynafocal mounts than Van's or Spruce (part number J-9613-40 or J-9613-49). It bugs me that a few pieces of rubber and washers are going to cost $500.

I recall a while back that Mike B. found his at Aircraft Supply for $96 each. Still not cheap, but a nice savings. They have since gone up to almost $200 per pair there.

Any suggestions?

It hurts even more if you lose only one half of one mount and have to replace the whole enchilada ... ask me how I know? (The other half will stay in my toolbox ... just in case.)

Herber Aircraft (www.herberaircraft.com) is a Lord Distributor and they had the best price 5 years ago when I bought mine; I paid $91/ea. They are in El Segundo CA, tel 800-544-0050. Ask for Ryan.
Any difference between the Barry mounts and the Lord mounts?

I'm considering changing mine, but at $500, it's quite a consideration! I first installed my engine and thus my mounts 12 years ago. I've put 1100 hours on the airplane in the last 8 1/2 years. I removed my engine recently and thought it would be a good time to replace the mounts. At that price, I'm thinking it's not such a great idea. What do the experts out there think? There's nothing visually wrong with my mounts, no separations, no cracks.

Jerry Esquenazi
RV-8 N84JE
Just due to the fact that my engine has been removed and it would be a convenient time to replace anything that's going to need replacement soon due to time in service/calendar time.

Given this, the question begs to be asked. . .

Why is replacing them even a consideration???
I see. Well, in that case, you might be interested in reading this:
and this:

Live Long and Prosper!

Thank you Steve. I've read both of those articles in the past and I'm familiar with MB's writing. This is the reason I don't "do" everything on every condition inspection. If these things "typically" last 10 years/1000 hours, then I've gotten my mileage out of them and I should replace them now while the engine is removed. If however, they typically last 2000 hours/20 years, then I may as well keep them in service. I certainly wouldn't replace them if the engine was still hung. Since I haven't owned a lot of airplanes over a long period of time, I have no statistical basis for how long engine mounts typically last, which is why I'm asking here. And that is the question, replace now while it's not a major pain in the rump or save my $ since I'm already spending a ton of $.


Jerry Esquenazi
RV-8 N84JE

P.S. Cracked case for any one that's curious about my engine removal.
I bought a set of J-9613-40's this summer. Can't remember the exact price but Chief Aircraft was the cheapest I could find. Just checked Chief and now they're $147.95 vs. Aircraft Spruce at $156.75. When I bought in the summer Vans was higher. They are expensive but they're the gold standard of motor mounts.