
Well Known Member
I am slowing acquiring components to put my engine back together. I was going through the engine log for my O-320 D3G core and see where they replaced the engine mounts at the last overhaul. They were Lord mounts J9613-40 and J9613-53. Reading through past posts I see references where people have only used the J9613-40 mounts for their RV's. The engine was taken from a Piper airframe. So I'm wondering do I need to get the difference parts numbers or will using the J9613-40's on all four corners be correct for the Vans dynafocal 1 mount? If I do have to use both the 40's and 53's which ones are for the top and which ones for the bottom?

On another note I looked up the N-number for the airplane the engine was taken off of and the number is now assigned to an Airbus 320.
Lord Mounts

Hi Mike,

In my notes I have:

Qty 4 - J-9613-40 (Mooney) -or- J-9613-49 (Cessna) - "-40" is preferred

but I didn't put a reference as to why the '-40' is preferred.

Here are the links from Lord's www page for Piper, Mooney, and Cessna applications, respectively.



My Piper....

....has 2 different numbers of Lord mounts(-40's & -53's). The only difference in the two is that one of them has what appears to be cylindrical rubber dampener that installs inside the mount. It feels like it is filled with a silicone gel substance. I am thinking either number would work in an RV, but I am not anywhere near that point so take this info for what it's worth.;)
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....has 2 different numbers of Lord mounts(-40's & -53's). The only difference in the two is that one of them has what appears to be cylindrical rubber dampener that installs inside the mount. It feels like it is filled with a silicone gel substance. I am thinking either number would work in an RV, but I am not anywhere near that point so take this info for what it's worth.;)

The -40 is the mount with the silicone gel insert in it. This feature is why the -40 is preferred.
Charlie Kuss
Just rec'd my -40's

I just bought the -40s, and they have the fluid filled insert. They have a soft side and stiff side, Van's plans detail how they go in - but it's simply that the harder durometer are the mounts in compression with the engine hanging.

Part of me wonders if they are worth the extra $$ ($65 for VIP through Vans, $108 for Lords at A/C SP) But we shall see.

Rick 90432.