
Well Known Member
Major Change? regards my 1978 rv-3 ,serial # 623. i need to replace my isolator mounts for the lycoming o-320 e2d engine.

barry mounts for later rv-3 are too large.

i have purchased a set of lord j-7402-24 isolator mounts. i understand these are the recommended mounts for early rv-3. (searched vaf posts)

however they are 1/2 inch smaller in diameter then the engine mount cups they fit into. Lord factory support says these are the closest in diameter they have for my rv.

this seems excessive to me and negates the purpose and function of the engine mount cup on the engine mount.

i plan to install a sleeve in the engine mount cup that will remedy this excessive clearance.

is this an acceptable and safe modification to the engine mount?
thank you for any and all answers. lawrence
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That engine model number designates a Type I Dynofocal mount same as the E2A and E1A.
The Lord mounts are supposed to be alot smaller than the engine mount cups. It isn’t supposed to be a close fit. You will cause an unsafe condition by adding your proposed sleeves.
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