
Well Known Member
they put on a great event every month with a guest speaker and door prizes to boot.
met a VAF guy 'steve' there because we were both wearing our VAF shirts. he needs a hanger near vero beach so he can get his 9 out of utah and go flying in florida. keep on flying. :D
LoPresti had a mockup of the new Fury fuselage on display. It will be about 48inches wide to accomodate modern size pilots (their words). You guys may have heard the new Fury will be offered as a kit. Local EAA'ers will be working with factory guys developing and building the prototype kits. The first 3 rudders will be assembled next Saturday.
Good meeting and visiting with you Turbo,
48 inches, that seems huge. must be marketing to very very modern size :(

i think Van's rV7/9 outside is 43. hmm. i was thinking the fury was supposed to be all about performance, maybe they want to catch as many possible pilots as they can for marketing whatever.
I attented the LoPresti forum at SNF. I believe it was called "Fly Fast, Fly Cheap". Great speaker with many interesting stories of him & his Dad.
His Dad worked on design mods for the Grumman Traveler, Then got hired by Mooney to tweak the airframe to gain speed & performance without changing the design of the already certified aircraft. The speaker worked on the original team to develop the Mac.