
Well Known Member
I have a Lyc IO-360 that runs fine at -30 to -40 degrees LOP. The injectors are within .1 of a gal. Why when I go for max power at 120 degrees ROP do the EGT spreads get really wide. To get #1 & #2 to 120 degrees ROP puts #3 & #4 at 180 and 200 degrees ROP. These numbers are at 8000 ft alt and about 60% power.

All numbers are EGT- LOP & ROP not CHT

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Alex Peterson has some good info at:

I think if you have them peaking within .1 gal it's really good. There maybe other variables coming into play such as how well balanced your cooling is etc. I put ramps on front of #1 and #2 to balance the temps. Mine normally run with CHT within 2F between #1 and #3 and the same between #2 and #4 with a split between the sides of about 6F

Jim Baker also gave me some good info last week when I asked about LOP and some of the readings I was getting, see post:

Hope this helps
