What should I do?

  • Shake hands with it and move on. Rivet & rib are still structurally sound.

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • Replace the rivet because it has those two smileys.

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • Replace the rib (and rivets) because it has all those dents from when the rivet gun slipped.

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Other (please explain in a reply to this post).

    Votes: 3 13.0%

  • Total voters


Well Known Member
This is the end rib of the horizontal stabilizer. I think I had my air pressure set too high and I wasn't really in a good riveting mindset yet (this was my first rivet of the day).

What do you think? (Click on image for hi-res version)

I had one similar on the same place on my 9A. I felt (on mine, just like yours) that the rivet PROBABLY was good and still strong, but since I only had two rivets holding the piece on, I drilled them and smoothed out the dings in the rib, just like the ones you have, and put it back on. It doesn't look like a structural issue to me, but then I don't have an engineering degree either.
The lighting in the photo makes it look as though the rib web is recessed around the rivet head, especially the side of the smiley. I would think that this would definately weaken the rib around the rivet head, maybe stretching the hole. I can't say "move on." Call Vans.
Here's another shot, showing the shop-head side and the "depth" of the damage.

I was thinking of replacing only the rivet. I'm reasonably good at drilling out rivets, but with a smiley right at the center of this one, I'm afraid my bit would wander terribly. And with the damage already done by the gun very near the hole, I'm loathe to take a center punch to that rivet.

Another idea: drill a new hole and install a rivet between the two? As it is now, I'm guessing 95% or more of the strength is there. A third rivet would surely make it better than new, structurally-wise, no? They're far enough apart that I think distance requirements would still be met.
Seeing that second photo, I think I would take it apart, straighten everything, and like you said go back in with 3 rivets and call it good.
Move on dude

This not structural.

As long as ou don't violate distance rules I would simply drill another hole between the two (without taking it apart) and install a third rivet.

The bulk of the loads are carried by the skins, and from there into the ribs and spars. I'd talk with Vans, rather than rely on a poll from people of unknown qualifications (the laws of physics can not be changed by a democratic process), but I suspect they will tell you to add a third rivet in the middle and then press on.
I'd just replace it... maybe get an oops rivet... shouldnt take long and it will ease the mind!