67MK Larry

Active Member
Just finished condition inspection 570 hours 0-360 RV-6A, found just right of center bottom bolt loose. Any one ever have one???
...Any one ever have one???
I never even thought of checking the torque on the engine mount bolts, but a couple of years ago I had a real mechanic do a condition inspection on my airplane. He also did a repair that involved removing the engine mount. He told me that he found one (or more, I can't remember) engine mount bolts loose.

Mechanical ability is not my strong point so I could have easily messed up doing the installation.
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Yes, I checked mine at one or two years, and recall turning one or two a quarter turn or so while re-torquing. I also checked the wing attach bolts. All it takes is a little burr under the bolt or between members, and flight/ground loads will work it down. No big deal, re-torque and go fly.