Dan Brown

I'm New Here
Hello everyone-

This is my first VAF post! My name is Dan and I'm a military aviator (RW & FW). I've really gotten into GA over the past couple years, and both the hobby aspect and the economics are driving me towards building & owning an experimental aircraft.

I'm 6'3" and am looking to sit in a 6, 7, or 8 to see how I fit and get a feel for the overall dimensions of the cockpits. If there's anyone in the SE area with an airplane I could sit in, I'd love to buy you lunch or your favorite adult beverage in return for some of your time.

I'm currently at Ft. Rucker, Alabama and am willing to travel if anyone's available. Thanks in advance!

I'm stationed at Moody AFB if you can find an excuse for a TDY to Valdosta. RV7a in phase 1 testing. I can't give you a ride yet, but can let you sit in the plane and dig through the building process.
Dan, Welcome!!

There is a big difference in how airplanes are set up. I am 6'4"+ and fit very comfortably in my six, but I have several big guy mods (very forward pedals, seat bar back 3.5"). You may not fit well in a plane set up for a shorter person.

I would hate to see you dissuaded by sitting in the wrong plane and have us miss adding a rotor head to the community. Fly Navy. Out
Sit in my 8

Hi Dan,
I've got a RV-8A based at the Enterprise Airport. Sit in it, heck i'll give you a ride in it. And as it happens I'm off work on Wed. Give me a call 334-389-2270 cell. Tim
You have several choices here... Pretty much where ever you are you will most likely find someone willing to help. If you are in the North West Atlanta area and would like to sit in a -6, -7 or -8 or even go for a flight for your first RV Grin we can probably arrange that. I own the -7 but I'm sure the other fellows at the airport would be happy to help.


I have an 8 and am located 4 miles west of Quincy, Florida. My identifier is 49FD. Come see me and we'll eat and fly and fly and eat. I'd be glad to have you visit. [email protected] or 850-508-3067.

David Watson
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Thanks for the replies, everyone! I was not aware that you could do "big guy" mods... that is very cool. I've got long legs so that could come in handy.

Tim & David- I'll be in contact with you guys later today. Thanks again- this forum is great!
