

If you ever wonder down past Waco, drop in to the Lockhart Muni Aprt. (50R). Hank Gallager is working on a 3 project. I had the opportunity to stretch out in it back in October. My guess is that it still has a long way to go. Ask the fella's in the Plane Talk Hanger for access.
Doug, Dan Checkoway's RV Finder has 3 within 100 miles of you and 9 if you expand to 250 miles. Dave
one at 2ok2

We have an RV3 on our airport here in SE OKC. I could get you a "sit-in" pretty easy.

Marshall Alexander OKC
RV10 QB fuse working on wiring
We have an RV3 on our airport here in SE OKC. I could get you a "sit-in" pretty easy.

Marshall Alexander OKC
RV10 QB fuse working on wiring

Thank you, Marshall! That would be nice. OKC isn't too far to fly for lunch.

It's time!

Here's what it looks like! It's time for the Texas RV3B gang to step up to the plate and get in the game!!!! The phone number to order is 503-678-6545, please have your credit card ready. :cool:

LOL. :p.

Susie went to see friends in California once and their local friends couldn't understand her. Funny stuff.