I recently completely botched the front spar on my RV-10 horizontal stabilizer, and have to order a new one. The replacement parts are not bad, roughly $75, but because of the size of the spar the shipping is very pricey. Van's suggested I could include my order along with my next kit for no charge, but that won't be for several months, and I did not want to delay the build more than necessary. They then suggested I could add it to someone else's kit order, and it would be included at no shipping cost.

SO. I'm looking for someone in the DFW/North Texas area that will soon be ordering a kit, that I could piggy-back my order on. There would be no added cost for my items, but I'll throw in $50 to help defray your costs. That's less than what I would be paying otherwise.
Got no takers so bit the bullet and spent the shipping. That still hurts.

By the way, is it just me, or does anyone else loathe Old Dominion?